Setting Things in Motion

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Location: Todayland, Robinson Industries

"Wilbur Robinson." The guard called out. "Your father is looking foryou."

"You can let him know you found his son and then lost him again. Sure he'll appreciate hearing the bit of news." Wilbur mocked.

Ignoring the teenager's remark, he called in back up. "I got him, Basement level 1, North Corridor." Within minutes more guards came and were ready to take the kids in.

"Dad,never sent in so many guards for me before."

While they were busy keeping their attention on the two teens, no one noticed two others sneaking away from them and heading to one of the elevators. Once they were out of sight, they made a run for it andWilbur and Penny disappeared from the guards sights.

"It was a decoy!" one of them announced.


The real Penny and Wilbur were now making their way to the elevators,with the coast now clear.

"You're awesome." Wilbur commented.

"Thanks.But they would've figured it out by now that those weren't the real us." She didn't even give their doubles their disguises. It might blow their cover, but it would still keep their disguises helpful.

When they reached the elevator they came through, they found Wilbur had been locked out.

"I could try to break into the system and get you back in." Hiro offered.

"No time." Wilbur shook his head and instead sent an electric shock on the scanner, making the doors open. The two ran in and came out in the main floor.

They caught sight of a security guard coming their way and out of nowherePenny grabbed Wilbur by the shirt and pressed her lips on him. Behind the sunglasses, Wilbur's eyes went wide with surprise.

The guard coming toward them, cleared his throat and tapped Penny on the shoulder. "Ahh...this area's off limits kids."

Penny had pulled back and nodded. "Sorry. We just wanted to be alone."she took Wilbur's hand and dragged him behind her, walking away from the security guard.

"What was that all about?" Wilbur asked.

"Personal displays of affection make people watching awkward." Penny responded.

"I don't think that's the only reason you kissed him." Hiro teased.

"Can we focus on getting out." Penny said. But her face was clearly red.

"The coast is clear from where you are and the entrance. All you have todo is just walk out the front door. Then home free." Violet said.

AsViolet said, it was safe. Aside from the one security guard who caught them making out, it was just the few visitors and reception.Once they were out of the building, the two gave a sigh of relief.Now all they had to do was get back to base and look at what they found.


If the stolen Skeleton Chip wasn't worrying enough, then finding his son was nowhere to be found did it. When the Robinson clan awoke that morning, they were surprised when Wilbur hadn't shown up at breakfast and when Franny went to search his room, she practically screamed tofind he was missing. Everyone feared the worse. Had he been taken too, like all the other supers?

Despite being worried, Cornelius felt that somehow, Wilbur was safe and unharmed. Just some feeling, he supposed. He just hoped that gut feeling was right. On his way to work, one of his security team informed him Wilbur had got into Robinson Industries and Cornelius immediately ordered they place the floor he was on on lockdown and on high alert.

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