Bitter Sansweet Ending

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AN: Just a warning. This chapter will get a teensy bit bloody and violent. And a little swearing. Not strong, but I might drop a b****bomb.


There may have been four of them and only one of her. But she wasn't stupid enough to fight them. Just keep them busy enough to allow her to escape. "Something familiar about all of you." she eyed them curiously. She couldn't exactly place it and judging from their suits, they weren't any of the registered superheroes, meaning they were new. Their motive must have been she took a family member or something. Typical. Where were the supers when her father died? 

At her comment, they made quick glances at her. Looks like their identities were safe for the time being.

"We know you're planning to control all the supers. It's not going to happen." Wilbur spoke.

Bela only let out a laugh. "Not all of them, boy. Just a handful. All it takes is one bad apple to spoil the bunch. All those supers were just means to an end. Most of them were just test subjects to the mind control. When we finally perfected it, we used those weak-minded supers to do our work. To help rid them of your kind." she said with such distaste. "It's what my father wanted and I'm just being a good girl granting his wish."

"You blame the supers for what happened to your father, but it was his actions that led to his demise." Violet said. "You just wanted someone to blame because you can't face the truth that it was his fault."

Angered at the girl's words, the woman aimed her gun at her. "Shut up! You don't know anything about my father. He was just trying to save us. Mr. Incredible took him away from me and I'm going to take away what matters to him. I'm going to turn everyone against him and all supers."

"You're right. I don't know your father." Violet held her hands up in defence. "But you would've lost him no matter what. The second he made that deal his life was over and deep down you know it. Destroying Mr. Incredible won't change what happened."

"But I'd have finally avenged my father. That's all I want."

"And by destroying him you'll be sentencing everyone he's ever cared about to the same fate as you. Avenging your father won't fix anything, only make things worse."

She was about to speak, but then grinned when she finally managed to get a good look at the girl. It may have been a different suit, but still the same figure. "Now I know where I saw you. You're daddy Incredible's little girl. Must say, nice touch on the new suit. I definitely would've shot you by now if you had that "i" logo. I'm guessing the other three were the same kids who fought me a few months ago. Aww, you thought you could defeat me? Well too late! I've got the skeleton chip. All I need to do is build another compute and download the rest of the information and I'll have every super in the palm of my hand. But before I go." she brought her gun back up and shot the daughter of the super who ruined her life. The bullet hit in her in the head and she fell unconscious. Dead.

"VIOLET!" Hiro cried out. He turned back to Sansweet, holding back his tears, and gave her a threatening glare.

"What's wrong? Did I kill your pretty girlfriend?" Bela fake pouted. "I can let you join her." she readied her gun once again, but found she couldn't pull the trigger. It began shaking violently in her hand and finally she released it, watching it fly across the room. Right, he was the telekinetic one. 

"You're going to pay for what you did, bitch." Wilbur said and started throwing electric bolts at her. Thanks to her training with the NSA, she was able to dodge his attacks. Training with those who handled supers on a daily basis sure gave her perks. To defeat an electrokinetic one had to simply dose them with water. Unfortunately for her, there wasn't any water on hand and the building was too run down to have working sprinkler systems. She'd have to result to tire him out. That was the back-up tactic when dealing with supers. If their main weakness couldn't work, you just had to tire them out before you tired out.

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