It's Over. Or Is It?

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AN: Maybe I should put a trigger warning in this chapter. There'll be some mentions of suicide attempt. So real sorry if that makes you uncomfortable, but it's really only because of Oliver Sansweet from The Incredibles. But I'll make it as minimal as possible.


Location: NSA Base, Medical Ward

There was definitely a splitting headache. He just wanted to go back to sleep, at least he wouldn't have to feel the pain. His memory was foggy, but bits and pieces were starting to come together and the blurred images began to focus and clear. It was all coming back. The school's power went out, guards were taking the students, Violet missing and them finding her, heading out and taking out all those guards. Then the helicopter. He had been trying to bring it back. But after that it was all blank. Did they catch Sansweet?

Hiro finally opened his eyes and found himself to be in some kind of hospital. What he also found was that his friends were there.

"And he's finally with us!" he heard Wilbur exclaimed.

"But looks like your hair isn't." Hiro joked at being able to see that his friends infamous cowlick style was all messed up, but the actual cowlick was still up, just messy and with lose strands sticking out.

"Standing close to a helicopter taking off does that and this place lacks any hair products. Aside from the standard issued shampoo and conditioner, which doesn't do much." he replied.

"Where are we anyway?" Hiro asked. As far as he knew it was some hospital or medical facility.

"One of the NSA bases in their medical ward." Penny answered. "After you passed out they came and brought us and the remaining students here."

"And where's Violet?" Hiro asked examining the room to find the one person he was hoping would be here wasn't present.

"Believe me, she wanted to be here when you woke up, but she also had to check up on her family. Her brother did almost get kidnapped by some crazy, psycho chick." Wilbur answered.

"You should also know your aunt's here." Penny added.

"Aunt Cass? Why?" Hiro said surprised. He wasn't expecting his aunt to be here.

The two looked at him with sad expressions, but it was Violet, who had just come back who answered.

"Because the NSA is sending us all home. After they told her what happened she insisted on coming over to see you. Can't blame her, my parents came over too after hearing about Dash." she said as she walked over.

"Speaking of which, how is the speedster?" Wilbur asked.

"He's fine, but that gas they used was suppose to neutralise powers. It'll wear off, but he's bummed at having no super speed for a while. Surprisingly, he's not as fast without the speed."

"And all those kids who were affected by it will also be powerless for a while. But how does one even develop the technology?" Penny questioned.

"Because it is NSA technology." They all turned to see Rick Diker at the door. "You recall that Agent Sansweet worked for the NSA. We used that neutralising gas to take out rogue supers. They were only temporary effects. But they were only suppose to keep their powers absent long enough for us to take them into custody. Not all supers are heroes. Eventually you'll come across one whose rogue and use their powers for darker purposes. But we only use them on level 5 and higher supers. No point in wasting it on lower levels."

"How do you determine what level a super is?" Hiro blinked. He didn't know supers were ranked.

"On their skills set. Example, your powers with their current state, put you at 6. Instability can add to the rankings and while you have better control, you still don't know of their full extent. Not to mention telekinesis can be dangerous. Add high intellect and mechanical intuition and you could be a dangerous foe." Diker explained.

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