Not Entirely Normal

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Location: Downtown San Fransokyo

"I really think we should all have super names?"

"Fred, not now." Gogo groaned, rolling her eyes.

The Big Hero 6 team had finally been reunited. They were able to handle it with just the five of them, but it hadn't felt the same without their chosen leader. But during this bank heist they were trying to stop, Hiro didn't feel as into it as usual. Maybe it was the fact that they've gotten use to it and he felt he was just jumping in or the fact that he had another team. One where he couldn't hold back his potential, one where he fit in. Not that he didn't fit in here with them. They were together because of him. But with Penny, Wilbur and Violet, they just sort of became a team on their own.

They still didn't know about his abilities. It was best. Sansweet was still out there and who knew what she knew and where she could be. For all he knew, she could be watching him or she had people out there waiting to hear any news of a super.

"Hiro?"he heard Honey through the intercom.

"Wha?" he said snapping from his thoughts.

"You got a lock on their vehicle?" he heard her voice ask.

"Yeah. They're heading uptown." he said, as he flew with Baymax.

"Shall I use my rocket fist?" Baymax asked.

"Let's try something else. Baymax, fly us close to the car." he ordered.

The robot gave a nod in his own way and followed Hiro's order.


The two men in the stolen vehicle felt they were almost home free. They just had to ditch the flying robot.

"Turn that robot into scrap metal." the driver said. His partner nodded and pulled his gun out.

The man began firing, but Baymax blocked his shots.

"Why aren't we moving?" the man asked as he realised the car had stopped.

"The gear isn't moving." the other man said as he tried to make the gear shift budge. But it just wouldn't move. "It's stuck!"

"What?" the man then dropped his gun and tried to make it move, but it was as if some invisible force was keeping it there.

"It's busted!"

Sirens were heard in the distance and the louder they got, meant they were getting closer. They had to face it, the two men had been caught. They just didnt; understand how. The car had enough gas and they were sure they didn't get stuck in the mud or something.

The others had arrived at the scene, having seen the car refuse to move, which led to the criminals capture. Hiro and Baymax landed nearby. Before the others noticed, Hiro quickly wiped the few drops of blood that came out from his nose. Now wasn't the time to explain to his friends about what he could do. Maybe when the whole thing blew over with Sansweet, he might tell. He just wasn't sure how they'd feel. Well...maybe Fred might be ecstatic, but the others, who knew?


"Don't you think it's weird that their car just stopped like that. They hadn't even run out of gas." Gogo stated as the group headed towards the Lucky Cat. "Almost like something was pulling them back."

"I think it could've been a magnetic force." Honey thought.

"There wasn't any magnet nearby." Wasabi pointed out.

"You know what I think?" Fred came in.

"Oh geeze, here we go." Gogo rolled her eyes.

"We could be dealing with ghosts." Fred said matter of factly. "These guys probably ticked off some angry spirit or it's someone from their past who is no longer with us and got their revenge by getting them arrested."

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