All Dates Are Official

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Location: Penny and Violet's Dorm Room

Another flash and click went off as Penny took another photo.

"I think you've taken enough photos of our room." Violet commented.

"You could never have enough photos and I'm sure my mom and pets want to see what it's like here."

"That's if the NSA will allow photos to be shown outside."

"I'm not dumb enough to catch any of the super activities and even if I did, I'd be careful."

"Or you could become a freelance photographer for the Daily Bugle and sell photos of your super identity, while pretending to be two completely different people." Violet joked.

"If it makes a living when I'm older, why the heck not?" Penny said as if she was considering the idea. "But I'll pass on having a boss like J.Jonah Jameson."

"Wouldn't we all?" Violet said. "Come on, we said we'd meet the guys for breakfast."

"That's if we don't get there first." Penny said.

Location: Cafeteria
Breakfast here was usually from six in the morning, to the end of the first period of the day. Some people did have first period off. You'd either have the special, or just settle with cereal or toast, which was served everyday. As expected, the boys took their time, arriving several minutes after the girls.

"Oh hey, bacon and eggs." Wilbur said and tried grabbing one of Penny's pieces.

"Hey." She slapped his hand away. "Line's over there."

"I think sharing a room with Violet is making you more bossy." Wilbur commented.

"Nah. That's not it." Penny shook her head. "It's the fact that I have a dog at home and I rarely get to enjoy bacon."

"My advice is, stop falling for the puppy dog pout and eat your damn bacon."

"But I can't help it that Bolty is so cute."

"It's all cute until he super barks that piece of meat out of your hand."

"He's not really a super dog." Penny said unamused.

"I know that." Wilbur said. "But he would've tried." Penny did explain the whole Bolt never having to leave the set thing and that he believed everything to be real. She even mentioned how she changed his perspective of reality so he'd further believe it.

"You better get in line. I hear people are coming back for seconds. You might not get any by the time they reach you." Violet said directly to Wilbur.

"Aren't you always a joy." Wilbur responded sarcastically and headed to the line to get his meal.

"How can anyone stand him?" Violet questioned once Wilbur was out of earshot.

"He may be obnoxious, but he's not a bad person." Penny replied, taking a bite out of her eggs.

"Oh, I never said he was bad. I was saying how he's not the kind of guy most people tolerate." she smirked toward her friend.


In the line, Hiro and Wilbur were looking at what was available. Sliding their trays and grabbing whatever they felt like. Of course, they had the special. Who knew when they'd get bacon and eggs again?

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