Chapter 2

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A/N: Heya! I was just wondering what you guys thinks so far. I know it's only been one chapter but hey, maybe you have an idea to help me improve something already :)

Also, I just want to apologize in advance if I take a long time between uploads, but as soon as summer rolls around I should be better at updating my stories.

And if you haven't already checked out my other story Guilty By Design or the book I am co-authoring with Hobo_Kat_Kane called Bean There, Done That then go try them out. I know GBD will need some work but I am going to remodel once I am done but it's good enough to read for now. Have I already said all this? I think so...... Eh, what's a little shameless advertising.

And if you lovely little bookworms would like to help me out, there's a few things you could do. You could vote up any (or all - I wouldn't mind) of my stories I would love you forever ;) and maybe give some feedback or suggestion? But mostly, I want to send you, my beloved minions to go to Hobo_Kat_Kane's page and send her a bunch of messages about updating her story The Ties That Bind. I reeeeaaaallllyyy want her to finish it but she won't listen to me :(

And Hobo_Kat_Kane, if you are reading this (which you are) I am doing this because you are my necroslut padawan. I will teach you many things, and finishing your damned stories is one of these important lesson.

Any way, enjoy! Vote! Comment! Follow!


"For the love of all that is holy, Jax, would you get down from there! You're going to kill yourself!" Marie stood 15 feet below me, hands on her hips looking as stern as I've ever seen her. A few strands of her dark brown hair had escaped it's messy bun and she wore an over sized t-shirt and paint splattered leggings.

"Okay, Marie, first of all, I'm going to die anyway, so why not have a little fun? And second, I'm not going to fall; I used to do this all the time as a kid. And third, how else do you expect to paint this wall?" I was hanging off the second floor banister by my legs, attempting to paint the 'unreachable' wall above the front hallway.

"Oh well, there this new invention," she began in that sarcastic tone i knew so well. "It's called a ladder. Apparently it's all the rage right now."

"Huh. I hadn't thought of that." I hauled myself back over the railing - careful not to let the wet paintbrush touch anything. I was still getting weaker - slowly but surely - but at least I was strong enough to get back over the banister; I would never hear the end of it if I had to get Marie to help me. "I guess it would've been better if you'd told me that before I nearly fell off the chandelier. Could've saved me a heart attack." Marie's eyes widened slightly as she watched me trot down the stairs.

"Oh dear God, please say your joking Jax."

"Oh, how I wish I could." I dumped the paintbrush into the tray of paint sitting on the windowsill and shot her that goofy grin that always got me out of trouble. She rolled her eyes and reached up to smack me upside the head."Ouch! What was that for?"

"For being so stupid," she replied simply

"I am not stupid, I am simply handicapped in the art of good choice-making."

"Whatever helps you sleep at night. Now come on, you need to eat something." Marie turned on her heel and led me into the kitchen, which she'd just finished painting a grey-green. I hadn't liked the color when she bought it, but now with the cherry cabinets, granite counter tops and brand new stainless steel appliances, I had to admit it looked great. I sat down on one of the stools at the island and drew circles with my finger on the cold granite.

"But I just ate!" I complained. "I shouldn't have to eat if I'm not hungry."

"You need to keep your strength up." She set down a plate with all sorts of foods from all the different food groups, and a glass of water in front of me, then sat down across from me ad watched me expectantly; after she found out that I'd wait until she left to throw out all my food, she'd actually make sure I ate everything she gave me, no matter what it was. I knew she was doing it for me, but it was really annoying sometimes

"I don't think force feeding me is going to help anyone," I mumbled, but ate everything anyway, knowing full well she'd never let me leave here if I didn't. "There. Happy?" I pushed the empty plate away from me and she took it.

"Good boy." She patted my head like a puppy as she walked past me to put the dishes in the sink. "Now I want you to go rest for a while; you've been painting all day and I don't want you around the fumes for a while." I opened my mouth to argue, then shut it again; I had to choose my battles with Marie carefully, 'cause I usually lost them anyway. I left the kitchen and retreated back to my room which was on the first floor. Marie always kept me on the main floor, because eventually I wouldn't be able to climb stairs anymore. This was the first time in a long time that we actually had a house with a second floor at all.

My room was of decent size with hardwood floors, a bed with black blankets and pillows, a mahogany desk with a lamp, and a dresser where I kept all my clothes. This room had been an office before, so there was no closet but we traveled a lot so I didn't have much clothes anyway. My walls were covered with all my sketches, quotes and posters to the point where you couldn't see the dark blue paint underneath.

I crashed down onto my bed and stared at the blank white ceiling and tried to count the dots there or find pictures in them. I wasn't tired enough to sleep yet, but it was nice to just lie there and do nothing; if I spent too much of my energy throughout the day it would eventually catch up to me. I hated when that happened so I tried my best to do my share around the house and be a normal teenage boy without tiring myself out too much.

Eventually, I gave up on the ceiling and turned onto my side to study all the pictures on the wall. Just as I was about to fall asleep, my gaze landed on the one photo I always dreaded, but never threw away. It was the only picture of my mom, dad and me all in the same picture, looking happy. I was really young in the photo - 5 or 6 maybe. I wasn't sure why I kept it, but I just couldn't bring myself to get rid of it - the only evidence that at some point in my life, I was a normal, happy kid.

I tore my gaze away from the picture and got up to sit at my desk. i opened up my laptop and went straight to the site I always did.

This was going to be a long night...

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