Chapter 6

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A/N: Hey guys!

So I was just wondering if you could leave a comment below so I could see who's reading this. Just curious, but it would be much appreciated. 

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All through my next class, I plotted ways I could pull off my plan, but by the end of it, I hadn't come up with a single idea. I went straight to the library at lunch - carefully keeping to the walls and spaces between crowds.

I pulled out my sketch pad and a pencil and let my hand take over while I thought out my plan. The drawing helped, and soon I knew exactly what I was going to do. I pulled the pencil away from the paper and looked own at what I'd drawn. It wasn't done, but it was obviously some kind of scenic shot. I looked up at the clock just as the warning bell rang.

I packed up my stuff and waited until the halls were empty before I went to English. I kept my head down as I made my way to my seat in the back so I wouldn't get as many stares; I couldn't handle being in the middle of attention today.

I was surprised, however, when I found a folded, slightly wrinkled piece of paper on my desk. I glanced over to the girl with the blue hair beside me, but her hair was draped over her shoulder so I couldn't see her face. I opened the paper and looked down, but before I could make out what it was, it was snatched out of my hands. I panicked and covered my head with my hands.

"Passing notes?" The teacher asked above me. I didn't move - I was too afraid to. "Sit up when I'm talking to you," he ordered and I forced myself to move - I was more afraid if what would happen if I didn't do as he says. I could hear the other students whispering and snickering but I didn't pay them any attention. "Well, I'm sure you wouldn't mind sharing this with the class then?" The teacher unfolded the paper and everyone leaned in slightly to hear what it was - even me. He studied it for a moment, handed it back to me and walked back to the front of the class to start the lesson, leaving everyone looking puzzled. I took a few deep breaths, calming myself after being under the spotlight, then looked down at the note. Only, it wasn't a note at all.

It was a sketch of a parade. The very same sketch I had crumpled up at the library. How did it get here? I threw a suspicious glance at the blue haired girl, and I jumped a little when our eyes met. Unfortunately, she looked back down and let her hair fall between us before I could really see her. My previously thought out plan momentarily forgotten, I spent the rest of class watching the girl. She never once looked up, but I had a feeling she knew I was studying her. I wasn't sure why I was so intrigued - I usually kept to myself and honestly this was pretty outgoing for me - even if I was too nervous to say anything to her. 

Eventually the final bell rang, and she jumped from her seat, grabbed her bag and turned to leave, but I shocked myself and reached out to touch her shoulder. She jumped a little and turned to me with wide, silver eyes. Her skin was as pale as porcelain and her lips were a pale pink. Black eyeliner made her eyes stand out against her skin, though I could tell she didn't wear any other make-up. Her hair was a bright blue and her bangs swept across her forehead, nearly covering her left eye and the rest draped down to her ribs with perfect curls at the very ends. She was wearing ripped black jeans, a white tank top, a black leather jacket and black knee-high boots. I had to admit, she was probably the most gorgeous girl I'd ever seen.

I opened my mouth to ask if she'd placed the sketch on my desk, but she turned and half-ran from the room. I stared after her a minute, puzzled, but then shrugged, packed my bag and left. As usual, I waited off to the side of the hall until there were only a few people left, then made my way to my next class. Just as I was about to step through the door, an announcement came on the PA system, calling me down to the office. I groaned to myself and turned on my heel to go. 

I knew what was coming as soon as I sat down in the chair across from the principal. She watched me sternly for a moment then continued to give me the speech I've heard a million times before.

"Jax, I didn't think I'd have to tell you this but apparently I do. This school does not tolerate any kind of fighting." I could feel my blood start to boil under my skin and I gritted my teeth. 

"So you don't tolerate fighting, but you tolerate bullying?" I argued. She narrowed her eyes at me, trying to look menacing but I could see she was out of her comfort zone; who's stupid enough to argue with the principal?

"We most certainly do not."

"Then why aren't you doing anything about it? I've been here less than two days, and I've already seen it happen, and had it happen to me. Given, I could care less what anyone says about me, but I sure as hell am not going to just stand by and watch when it happens to someone else." She shifted uncomfortably in her chair and struggled to hold her ground. I'd been told that when I get angry, I'm pretty intimidating.

"Then you should've reported it rather than beating up Daniel." I rolled my eyes and chuckled humorlessly.

"Oh like you would've done anything."

"Jax, I will not put up with this behaviour," she warned venomously.

"And I'm not going to put up with what's happening at this school!" I snapped and she shrunk back a bit, but held her ground.

"That's not up to you!" she barked. I took a few deep calming breaths, but it didn't help much.

"You know why I've moved around to so many schools?" I asked quietly. Taken off guard, she stared at me confused. "Well, as you know I'm not exactly going to have a long, happy life. So, I decided to do what I could with the time I was given. So I made a website. It's for anyone that needs someone to talk to. Everything is anonymous and they can log on and converse with anyone else on the site. It's like a support group." She stared at me with a strange expression, the same one I got whenever I was forced to tell this story. Her anger was long forgotten, replaced by curiosity.

"What does that have to do with you moving schools?" she asked. 

"When someone logs on, the only thing that they have to put to access the site is their city. Every entry is stored somewhere only I can access it and I check it every couple of months. Wherever the highest number of cases is, is where I go. And it just so happens that this town was at the top pf my list this time around, and to top it off, this is the only school around. I'd say about 60% of the students here have something that's keeping them from being as happy as they should be, whether it's trouble at home, here or internal drama. But either way, only a handful of them actually do something about it. And that's what I'm here for." She gawked at me as I stood and grabbed my bag. "I believe the standard punishment for fighting is one week suspension?" She nodded and I left the office.

I went out to my car, threw my bag into the passenger seat and sat behind the wheel. 

Time to go face what would soon be a very pissed off Marie.

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