Author's Note

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After a very long period of painfully slow updates, I've returned to Wattpad with some good/bad news for anyone who may still be reading this book.

I've decided to put this novel, as well as TTEOAS, on an indefinite hold until further notice.

Part of the reason why I've decided to do this is because I have been taking far too much time to complete it for the story to have the same impact that I'd originally planned for it to have. With so much time between updates, I've lost interest in the purpose of the story, as well as lost all concept of a true plot line. There are far too many filler chapters than there should be and the writing has gone downhill since I've stopped being a frequent poster. I'm not going to keep writing for a story I don't believe in anymore.

Another part of the reason I have decided to continue this story is because I've had experience with the real story and the characters outside of this book since I've started, and they've changed drastically. They can't honestly follow this story anymore, and it isn't fair to force them to. Yes, it sounds crazy, but I'm not going to do that.

I will make an exception, however, if there are at least a couple people still following this story that would wish me to continue with it. If that's the case, I'll make some changes in order to continue with this story to see it through to the end. Otherwise, this is where the story ends.

HOWEVER, there is a bright side.

For both of the novels that I'm ending now, I've already started to make up a rewritten version. I'll finish it all before I start posting the story, in order to make sure I can have a solid update schedule for anyone interested in reading. The stories will be done much better than these ever were (thank god) and I will make an announcement once I start posting them.

I won't take these books off of my page completely. I'll leave them up for everyone to read at least until i start posting the remake.

If there is any comments or feedback you guys have from throughout the novel that would help me fix up the story, please let me know in comments, a message on my board or a DM. I would really appreciate it, and for those who do, I'll save the user names and I'll DM a sneak preview of the rewritten novel once I get to some of the good stuff.

Have a good day, and I will hopefully be back soon with some new material for you guys.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2016 ⏰

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