Chapter 16

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A/N: This is totally up before midnight and it totally counts! No one can say otherwise!

I did a bad thing, guys. A very bad thing. Keep reading to find out, but I apologize. 

I also apologize for the sloppy writing and mistakes. I seriously am down to the wire here and have no time to ddit or revise. I've been working on this all day too, so I'm done for the day XD

If you haven't already sent me a PM with your gift for Jax, then please do. So far, I only have one person all submitted and ready to go. I know there are more of you out there wanted to particiapate in this, so please get those in by 12am pacific time on Saturday. 

Question of the Chapter is at the bottom as always!

2 more days until showtime!

Vote! Comment! Fan! Enjoy!


There was a loud beeping resounding from somewhere beside me, coaxing me to open my eyes. I was in a white room, in a white bed, covered in white sheets. Where was I? I looked to my left, and there were machines lined up in a row, connected to me in some way or another. i looked to my right, and it was much in the same fashion.

How did I end up in a hospital? When? Was I finally done for? No! I wasn't ready! Not now! Please!

I looked frantically around the room, finally taking notice of the crowd of people. Marie was on one side of my bed, her eyes red and puffy like she'd been crying for hours. On my right, with her head ducked down low, was Shay. She was holding my hand with all her might, but I couldn't even feel it. I wanted so bad to, so maybe I wouldnt feel so lost. But try as I might, my body remained numb and out of reach. Jeffrey was in the far corner, huddled down low to the ground and staring straight forward without really seeing. He looked like hell. The happy glint in his eye was gone, and the sparkling blue in them had turned dull and grey. His hair was a mess, as if he'd run his hand through it over and over again. He was still wearing his siganture white hoodie, but it was wrinkled like he'd slept in it for days. I was surprised to see Shane leaning against the wall behind Shay, looking just as devastated as the others. Little Liam was hidden at Marie's side, his arms wrapped around her waist tightly as he cried into her shirt. Allison and her son Andrew were here, standing shoulder to shoulder with two men. They seemed so familiar, it made my head hurt to try to remember who they were. But it just wouldn't come to me. They were obviously brothers, if not twins. ONe had short, dyed blonde hair and the other with shaggy black hair, similar to mine. As for the rest of them, I had no idea who they were. A few them seemed to have that same familiar tug on my lost memory when i looked at them, but no names came to mind.

I tried to talk to them, yell at them even, that i was still here. That I didn't want them to act like this. But I couldn't say a word. I couldn't even remember how to use my voice.

Then, the whole scene changed. Suddenly, I could see the whole room - including myself. And let me be the first to say, I looked like a corpse.

My body - I refused to say I, because that would make this all so much worse - was buried under two blankets on the hospital bed. Tubes , wires and machines were attached on nearly every inch of my skin, controlling every part of me to give people false hope that I was still living. My skin, wasn't pale like it used to be; it was grey now, giving me a sallow, corpse-like look. My eyes were sunken, surrounded by dark circles, Even with a hospital gown covering my chest, I could see my collarbones jutting out unnaturally, and I shuddered at the though of what the rest of it looked like. My hair stuck to my forehead in a cold sweat, the only sign that I was still here at all.

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