Chapter 15 (part two)

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A/N: Hey you guys!

So this is the beginning of the 4 day TAG marathon! I don't have any time to edit this, so it'll definitely have a bunch of mistakes, but take it easy on me, okay? Also, I'm sorry if it's really sloppy, but hey, I'm really going to be pushing out these chapters for you guys so I think I'm allowed a little slack here! XD 

In case you didn't get the update, I'm posting a chapter a day until Saturday, October 26 in celebration of Jax;s birthday, which just so hpappens to be on Saturday! And to get all you readers involved, I'm letting YOU give him a gift! Yep, Saturday's chapter will be based on his birthday, where I will write in as many of the gifts from you readers that I possibly can! You can give him up to three gifts, and there are no limitations (except maybe for some of you *ahem* extra creative bookworms, you know who you are XD) so just PM me what you want to send Jax for his birthday, and it will be featured in Saturday's chapter. Cards are welcome too, if you'd like, just PM me the details!

Anyway, so this is the 2 part of chapter 15 which is a very important chapter for Jax, so here goes!

Question of the Chapter is at the bottom as always, so leave your lovely bookworm answers down below.

No votes are needed for next chapter in celebration of Jax's birthday!


I huddled further into the sanctuary of my leather jacket and dropped my unsteady gaze to the linoleum floor. I knew a stupid jacket wasn't going to protect me from anything besides a cool breeze, but seeing as it was the only familiar thing around me, I found myself seeking safety in the warm folds of leather. 

I kept my gaze trained on the floor. Whenever I looked up, my eyes would flicker around the room rapidly, trying to find any danger in the strangers around me which would only make me dizzy. So the floor was all I could look at. And let me tell you, it wasn't very exciting. 

The boy in the white hoodie had wandered off after making sure i was fine on my own here in the waiting room. He made me sit in the farthest chair, which was crammed into a corner, asked me the name of my doctor and left me here. 

I was surprised that I was more nervous on my own than I was with him around. Usually, strangers would freak the hell out of me, but something about him was just so normal, so easygoing, that I couldn't help but trust him. After all, if he hadn't been there when I panicked, there's a good chance I could be dead right now.

The parents of the other boys had already arrived. The unconscious boy had woken up once we arrived at the hospital, but he had to be kept overnight. The other boy wasn't really harmed at all, and was sent straight home with his parents after a quick look over. I had been waiting in the waiting area for a good half hour, and I still hadn't been looked at yet, which worried me a little.

Most of the effects of the panic attack had worn off by now. I could breathe again with little difficulty, and my heart rate had slowed considerably since I got into the ambulance. But the pressure on my chest was still effecting me, though sometimes it would disappear for a few minutes, only to come back again a bad as ever. I was still on edge, and any suddne movement or loud sound would make me jump and scan the room nervously, so sitting in the middle of a busy hospital wasn't the most pleasant experience. Chills continually wracked my body, stopping only to let in a sudden harsh fever and reappear again. I was constantly either shivering, sweating or both and I hated it. My tongue still hurt like a bitch where I bit down on it, and every now and then I could still taste the bitter, metallic taste of blood. So over all, I wasn't exactly the happiest person in the world. 

The Angel's Guardianजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें