Chapter 20

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A/N: Hey you guys!

Just a quick thing before I kick off the chapter:

I have a prologue to a story I will be writing after this story is finished. I was wondering if you guys wanted to check it out :) but, of course, since I'm mean, I'm gonna make you work for it.

If you guys want me to post the preview for the spin-off series of this story, here's what you have to do:

-Vote for this chapter

-Comment down below 1 thing you like about this story, and 1 thing I should fix/improve (if you don't have one or more of these, then just leave the most random comment you can think of - I love randomness)

And that's all you gotta do!

If I get three people to do this, then I will post the preview publicly. If not, then only the people who did do it will be sent the preview privately. Not sure how yet, but I'll cross that bridge when I get to it XD

Anyway, I guess that wasn't very short O.o but whatever XD 

Vote! Comment! Fan! Enjoy!


Thursday October 31, 2013

"Jax, you need to talk to me about these kinds of things before you just agree to them! This is a huge responisibility! Just because you aren't obligated to continue the sessions, you and I know perfectly well that you would no matter how bad things get in your own life. You don't need the weight of the world's problems on your shoulders, you know..." 

I rolled my eyes and zoned out of the conversation, watching Marie pace a hole into the floor with a lazy gaze. I'd already thought of everything she could use to make me doubt my decision, and none of them made me regret taking this deal. She knew it, too, she just wanted to be a good parent and at least try to sway me out of this. A waste of time, really, but necessary when it came to Marie; I could get away with pretty much anything I wanted to, as long as I was willing to sit through one of these horrifically long lectures.

"And of course you're not listening," she scowled, catching my attention and making me chuckle.

"Did you expect anything less?" I asked, raising an eyebrow and smirking at her. She glared at me for a moment, hands on her hips, but of course she couldn't stay angry at me; instead she just mumbled to herself and waved me off, gesturing for me to go. "Oh my god, freedom!" I exclaimed happily, standing up and stretching out all my stiff muscles. I've been sitting there since I got home from school and already it was time for dinner. 

I grabbed my phone off the counter and went to take a shower, locking the door behind me. I quickly checked my phone for texts, seeing I had few from Shay and Jeffrey asking if I wanted to go to the Halloween dance at school with them tonight. With a chuckle, I replied sure and told them to come over to my house before setting my phone down on the counter and undressing. I turned the shower on and stepped under the hot stream, sighing happily as I felt all my aches and strains melt away.

I lost track of time, but it seemed too soon when the hot water turned cold. I grudgingly turned it off and stepped out, shaking out my hair. Unfortunately, it was only then that I realized the I hadn't brought a change of clothes with me. Groaning, I grabbed a towel and wrapped it around my waist before I grabbed my phone and left the bathroom. I had gotten a text from Shay while I was in the shower, so I opened it and stopped in my tracks when I read it.

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