Chapter 17

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A/N: Hey guys!

So I don't really have much of a lead-in to this chapter XD But I'm going to nag you to send in you gift ideas for Jax. I have to write the chapter tomorrow, and i only have one in. Please, please, please PM me your gifts so I can write it out for you guys! I've spent the past for days constantly posting to lead up to this, so I hope that my plan works out so it wasn't for nothing. 

Once again, this is unedited.

Question of the chapter is at the bottom

Vote! Comment! Fan! Enjoy!


I bounced up and down on the balls of my feet excitedly as I saw the crowd of people appear in the distance. Finally, they were here!

My Mom, Dad and I were at the front of the crowd of people, waiting for the parade to start. We'd been standing here for what seemed like forever, and I asked my Dad every five minutes if it was time yet. He'd always just smile and reply, "soon", and I'd pout impatiently until the next five minutes passed. That was the best thing about Dad. He was always so happy and patient. I knew I asked a lot of questions, but I couldn't help it; there were just so many things I didn't know and I wanted to know about them all! And no matter how many questions I'd ask, my dad would just smile and answer every single one of them with a patience I don't think I'd ever understand. I guess he got that from his job.

I didn't really understand what Dad did, but I was always asking him about it. I only knew that he helped people be happy like he was. He was really good at it, too.

I wanted to be just like him when I grew up. 

But as the marching band at the front of the parade began to play, I lost my train of thought to the short attention span of my six year old self and began jumping up and down excitedly. They were still aways down the road, but I just loved parades so much that I couldn't help myself. 

I couldn't see the parade from here though. I was too short. I craned my neck to try to see around the cheering crowd, but I still couldn't see anything.

Then, all of a sudden, everything went silent. The music was gone, the cheering was gone, everything. I frowned, confused and dissappointed, and turned to Dad to ask him what happened. But he was gone too. Everyone was. Mom, Dad, the crowd, the parade, just disappeared into thin air. I looked around and began to panic. Where did they all go?

"Mom? Dad?"  I called out. My voice echoed off the eerily silent buildings, sending a shill down my spine. I took a few timid steps out into the road and looked both ways. Nope, no one was here. 

I knew I was alone, which was why I jumped a mile high when i felt a hand touch my shoulder. I spun around, and my jaw dropped, stunned. The last person I expected to see was standing there. The leader of the parade. 

His head was held high, so I couldn't see his face, but I could see his bright red jacket with gold staps across the front and golden shoulder pads. His pants were black, like his leather boots that had golden straps too. His hat was tall, and matched his jacket too.

Maybe he knows where everyone went.

I tugged on his pant leg to get his attention, but he still didn't look down. "Um, excuse me mister," I squeaked nervously. "Where is everyone?" Finally, he looked down to me, but as soon as our eyes met, I wish he hadn't.

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