Chapter 12

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A/N: Heya

Thank you guys so much for all the votes and comments on this story! I'm going to put a long author's note at the end of this book as a thanks for all this because I don't think you want to hear me ramble on and on in the middle of a chapter.

By the way, if you guys like this story, then go try reading Guilty By Design. It's one of my stories that I've written over the past year and technically not the first one I've finished, but the first one that I'm proud of. I'm taking the time to rewrite it all from the beginning so it's better for you guys, so please, go check out the remade version. I'm only a few chapters in but it would mean a lot to me to have your votes there too.

I am not exactly a medical professional so take it easy on me for this chapter. I spent hours and hours just researching all these procedures and then even longer trying to make it interesting for you guys. I probably failed, but I tried. That counts for something, yeah?

Dedicated to my fabulous puppy for helping me out with countless amounts of things, for being just plain awesome, and for giving me a run for my money in the never ending duel of insanity. Luv ya!

Adorable pic of Jax and Dog on the side. Love that picture! <3

The Question of the Chapter is at the bottom of the chapter as always so don't forget to answer that!

2 votes until next chapter!

Vote! Comment! Fan! Enjoy!


"Jax. Time to wake up," a voice coaxed me out of the fog of sleep still clouding my thoughts. Oh god, it was too bloody early for this.

"The fuck?" I groaned, rolling over and burying my face into my pillow. Go away, go away, go away, I thought, praying to be left alone. But no such luck.

"Well, aren't you just a ray of sunshine? Come on, you can do it." How long until this voice realized that encouragement wasn't going to do anything? No way in hell was I going to move. Seriously, my bed has never been more comfortable in my whole life. I growled and pulled my covers over my head as a shield. Totally effective. Note the sarcasm. 

I heard a sigh and footsteps as who ever my tormentor was left the room. I celebrated my victory for a split second before letting myself drift slowly back to sleep. I didn't hear the footsteps as my tormentor came back into my bedroom. Just as I was on the edge of falling back to sleep, I felt a pressure on my legs, as if something were sitting on them. It wasn't very heavy, so I attempted to ignore it and fall asleep. Again, no such luck.

The pressure moved up my legs, across my chest and planted itself right on my face. Huh; it was furry. I held my breath and waited for it to go away but eventually I had to take a breath and ended up choking.

"Dammit Dog!" I yelped, sitting up so fast, Dog barely had time to jump from my face to the mattress beside me. I swear, if cats could smile, Dog would have a smug one on the furry white lips of his as his lazy yellow eyes watched me. I tried to give him an angry glare but I just couldn't stay mad at Dog. "Aw, come here." I picked him up, lay down and sat him right on my chest. That's what I loved about Dog; you could man-handle him all day and he wouldn't give a damn. I spent most of my time just dragging him around the house like a posable, fluffy sack of potatoes. 

"Now get up and get dressed," Marie ordered, smirking at me and Dog. 

"Nooo!" I said in a high pitched voice and wrapped my arms around Dog, who meowed softly in response. "You can't deny our love! We will never be apart!"

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