Chapter 15 (part 1)

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O,O ........................................................................................................

That's right you lovely bookworms, I'm back! 

After many, many, many, too many versions of this chapter, I finally finished it. O.O

I've got a new character making his first appearance in this chapter, and maybe a few old friends coming to visit too ;) 

The first song off of the album that inspired this book is off to the side! It's one of my favourite songs of all time XD I always pictured a totally awesome Jax fight montage to that song XD 

There's a lovely sketch of the new mystery character off to the side :) He doesn't look very happy there but I assure you he's a bundle of joy, that one :D Pffft! I didn't fall in love with another one of my characters! What are you talking about? -_-

Anyway, I won't keep you waiting any longer!

2 votes until next chapter!

Question of the Chapter is at the bottom as always!

Vote! Comment! Fan! Enjoy!


I groaned groggily and buried my face into the pillow, hoping that the alarm on my phone would magically turn off and let me go back to sleep. Of course, the whole idea was ridiculous and eventually I was just too agitated to listen to it anymore. So I lifted my face up just enough to see the blasted piece of metal and plastic on my nightstand and hit the button to shut off the alarm. Why did I convince Marie to let me go to school again?

I sighed and sat up. Yeah, I knew why - but that still didn't mean I liked getting up at quarter-past-go-fuck-yourself.

"Jax! Are you up yet?" I heard Marie's voice shout from somewhere down the hall. I grinded my teeth together, overwhelmingly aggravated - wow, I was so not a morning person.

"Nope! I'm dead!" I called back. And wait for it, I thought to myself with a roll of my eyes. As if on cue, Marie burst into the room and glared down at my bored stare.

"Don't you even joke about that, Jax!" she scolded angrily and I just shrugged. She sighed and looked up at the ceiling; I knew that was her "frustrated look". After a minute, she looked back to be with a small smile playing on her face, which just frustrated me more. "Well, apparently someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning," she teased.

"Fuck off," I dismissed her, not having the patience in me to deal with her at them moment.

"Language, Jaxson," she warned half-heartedly, but she left anyway.. God was I glad that she knew not to test my limits; I was feeling on the edge today for whatever reason and I didn't want to take it out on her.

I decided that taking a shower would probably help me relax, so I grabbed a change of clothes and locked myself in the bathroom. Desperate for the relief I hoped the hot water would give me, I wasted no time stepping into the shower and turning it on. I focused on the painful sting of the heat for a distraction, and it helped a little but not nearly enough. After a half hour, I gave up and shut off the water. I pulled a white t-shirt over my head and slipped on a pair of black skinny jeans before I unlocked the door and stepped back out into the hall.

"Come and eat something before you leave," Marie's voice called from the kitchen. I scowled quietly to myself and pinched the bridge of my nose; what the hell was wrong with me today? I followed the sound of her voice to the kitchen where there was a plate of food waiting for me. But not just any food; pancakes - my favourite. I felt a little bit of my temper fade as a grin crept onto my face and I looked up at Marie, who was smiling too.

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