Chapter 14

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A/N: Hello my lovely little bookworms! Oh how I've missed you!

So, I'm finally back and I don't see myself disappearing again anytime in the near future, so I'll be back to writing and uploading more smoothly now. 

So how much do you love me? Not at all? Okay... But seriously, if you guys like this story please, please, PLEASE go check out my other story Guilty By Design. I feel really bad that The Angel's Guardian is getting so much attention when in reality, I started it as a side project. And yes, I treat my books like my children - don't you judge me! But even though I love this story, GBD will always be very close to me and I want to share it with you guys. So please go read the remodeled version and vote for it. I'd appreciate it far beyond words.

On a brighter note, I'm working on getting another chapter for Bean There Done That for any of you bookworms that are reading that. In my defense, go blame WaywardWhedonite for not writing ALL SUMMER! But I've been bugging her for it so soon there shall be another chapter for that.

Question of the Chapter is at the bottom as always. I love hearing your thoughts so far so go ahead and answer that.

And since you guys are so amazing at reaching the 3 vote goal, I'm going to risk it:

4 votes until next chapter!

Vote! Comment! Fan! Enjoy!


I checked the screen of my phone and sighed. Still no response.

Over an hour ago, I texted Shay if she wanted to hang out again but she never replied. I was sprawled across my bed, staring at the ceiling with one hand behind my head, the other resting on my stomach holding my phone. 

I really didn't want to make myself look like some kind of stalker, but I really did want to talk to her again. She was....intriguing. I just couldn't figure her out. Learning all those small, unimportant things about her just made me more curious; not in a "I want to date her" way, but just a normal "I want to know more about her" way. She was the first thing that's caught my interest in years and I didn't want to lose that.

I sighed and rolled off my bed, moving to my desk and turning on my computer. I waited for it to load up, then opened the Internet and logged onto my site. There wasn't much happening today, which was good, but it still left me without distraction. Bored, I scrolled through my old chats and came across a short one from the night before I had picked up Shay off the side of the road. I opened it up and started to type.

Me: Hey

I didn't get a reply from them either, so I opened a second tab and went on my favourite gaming site. I was in the middle of playing a game called Moby Dick when I got a message back. I paused the game and switched tabs.

Anonymous: Long time, no talk, Stranger ;)

Me: Yeah. So what's up with you?

Anonymous: My dad is drunk and angry so I'm hiding out with my sister. I'm just online to pass the time and keep us distracted. We're playing games on my laptop.

Me: Are you okay? Did he hurt you?

Anonymous: We're fine. I know when to hide from him so we're usually out of harms way in time.

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