*Bonus Chapter!*

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A/N: Heya my fabulous bookworms!

So, as promised, I shall give you a surprise. I wasn't sure whether I actually wanted to do this or not because it messed with the whole idea of the flashback kind of thing, but since you guys are SO amazing, I'll do it anyway. Keep in mind that it was NOT part of the original book so I did not plan for some of this info to be coming out so soon.

Since this chapter is a bonus, I will still post another chapter after this without asking for votes, but it would be highly appreciated if you still vote for this! I put a lot of work into it - even if it is kind of short - so I hope you guys like it :) Best answer for the Question of the Chapter will get a dedication in Chapter 11. I'll write the Question at the bottom so it actually makes sense XD

Enjoy! Vote! Comment! Fan!


Shay watched Jax out of the corner of her eye wearily. She didn't know what had happened when he was talking to his aunt, but she knew it wasn't anything good. He stared straight ahead as he drove, his body stiff and rigid and his hands clenched the driving wheel hard enough to make his knuckles go white. 

She sighed softly to herself and turned to stare out the window, only to discover they had stopped moving. They were parked on the side on the road where he'd picked her up a few hours earlier. The ground was still wet and dotted with puddles, but the rain had stopped. Shay glanced back at Jax with a confused frown, surprised to find him looking back at her. It was hard to see his eyes through the dark hair shadowing them, but she could've sworn she'd seen a flash of light blue.

"Get out," he ordered quietly, returning his gaze to the road ahead. She hesitated for a moment, and when she didn't move, he sighed and tugged at the edge of his beanie, irritated. "Look, you're not going to tell me where to take you and I'm sure as hell not going to take you with me. So either speak up or get out." Shay shrunk back a bit and winced, but got out of the car nonetheless. She could tell he needed to cool down, so there was no point in fighting with him. As soon as she shut the door of his car, he pulled away from the curb and sped away. She stared after him until the car was out of sight before turning to walk home. 

It was only a five minute walk to arrive at the small, bright yellow bungalow she refused to call home. It was a house, but not a home. Instead of going inside, she dropped herself down one the doorstep. It wouldn't be long before her dad found her out here, but she just couldn't bring herself to go inside just yet. 

It wasn't until a few minutes later as she began nibbling nervously on her sleeve that she remembered she was still wearing the sweater Jax had loaned her. She smiled a little to herself, then frowned. What had his aunt said to him? 

But before she could think anything else, the door behind her burst open, revealing her father, red-faced and furious. His grey-blond hair was ruffled and messy and his clothes were wrinkled and twisted - he'd obviously just woken up.

"Shay!" he barked, grabbing the back of her sweater and hauling her to her feet. "I've got some good news for you." He smirked evilly, and Shay knew better than to get her hopes up. What was she going to have to do now? "I have some more friends over next week so I have a new job for you." Oh god. Not his friends. Anyone but them. They were worse than her dad. What was she going to have to do? Whenever they came over before she was just locked in her room and ordered to keep quiet. But knowing this man that was towering over her now, it couldn't be anything good. "And I swear to God, you'd better do every thing you're told with a smile on your face, or I'll give Sarah a reason to be afraid of the dark," he growled menacingly. Shay shrunk back and swallowed nervously, trying to control the trembles that were shaking her small frame. Oh please, not Sarah.

Shay nodded vigorously, eager to keep Sarah safe. Satisfied, her father huffed angrily and disappeared back into the house, gesturing for her to follow suit. She breathed in a slow, deep breath, calming herself. She wrapped her arms around herself nervously, focusing on the warmth of the boy's sweater around her as she shuffled into the house, ready to take whatever was waiting for her on the other side of that door.


A/N: Sorry it's so short, but I couldn't give too much away - and besides it's a bonus chapter so it doesn't have to be long. Anyway, onto the Question of the Chapter!

Question of the Chapter:

Where is Jax going and why is he so determined to go?

Best answer gets a dedication in chapter 11! And remember, best doesn't always mean closest to being right, so just throw something out there! You don't have to vote to get chapter 11, but I would appreciate it if you did :)

Keep on reading, Lovely Bookworms XD

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