Chapter 13

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A/N: Hey Guys, I'm finally back!

So as none of you know, I was out camping over the past 5 days and I have to say, I got a LOT of inspiration while I was gone. I have a few new ideas for this story but nothing that will completely change the plot so I'm super excited to keep on writing for you guys.

This is going to be a bit of a filler chapter again I think, but who knows, I could get carried away and make it an important one instead! XD

I'm going to make a gutsy move here and say: 3 votes until next chapter!

*gasp* That feels so weird to write XD Oh well. 3 votes until next chapter!

As always, the Question of the Chapter is at the bottom of the chapter so I wanna see you lovely bookworms comment down below.

Vote! Comment! Fan! Enjoy!


I woke up on the couch in the living room and not knowing how I got there. I guess the drugs must've knocked me out before I made it to bed. I sat up slowly, squeezing my eyes shut as my head began swimming and blurring my vision. It passed quickly though and my stomach growled loudly, making me chuckle.

Eventually I found the strength to get off the couch and drag myself to the kitchen, where Marie was cooking up what looked like a feast for a dozen people.

"Uh, Marie?" She glanced up at me expectantly and I raised my eyebrows, nodding at the ridiculous amount of food. "Why?" She looked over her shoulder and frowned as if she'd never seen the food before in her life.

"Did I really make all that? Huh." I rolled my eyes and pulled her into my arms for a hug with a chuckle. Whenever Marie was incredibly bored, her mind tended to wander. And when her mind wandered, she got herself all worked up over nothing. And when Marie gets worked up and nervous, she putters; she'll clean the entire house - top to bottom - fixes anything that need fixing, do laundry, cook and other assorted chores. I guess she ran out of other things to do so she decided to cook.

"We are going to be eating left overs for the rest of our lives," I teased, sitting at the table and eyeing all the different foods.

"Well, judging by how your practically drooling over everything and I can hear your stomach from here, I think you'll just eat it all in one go." As if on cue, my stomach growled again and we both laughed.

"Hey, I didn't eat anything yesterday!" I defended and Marie rolled her eyes and sat beside me with two plates.

"Well, dig in then." I didn't need any more of an invitation than that. I filled my plate with a little bit of everything and started eating, ignoring Marie as she laughed at me. Yeah, 'cause a starving teenage boy is so funny.

It took a while, but eventually I finished eating, thankfully not hungry anymore. Unfortunately, there was still what appeared to be a buffet spread out across the kitchen table.

"Did we even put a dent in all this?" Mari asked, eyeing the food wearily.

"Not even close," I replied. "Well, I guess we'd better start putting this away," I sighed, standing up. Marie got up too and we began packing the food away in containers. Every now and then, when Marie wasn't looking, I would "accidentally" drop a morsel of food and Dog would snatch it up like a vulture. He acted like we never fed him around here.

"So, what's on your mind?" I asked casually, skillfully stacking Tupperware containers in the fridge.

"What do you mean?" Marie frowned, obviously confused.

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