Chapter 8: Caravala Massacre!

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F I R S T   A R C : B E G I N! [ Opening: Wonderful World by FUNKIST ] 

Special OST: Ever Friends (on the side)

 Chapter 8: Caravala Massacre!

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The platform stops moving sideways and begins rising up.

"It's starting," Michean says beneath his breath, "you ready, kid?"

I nod softly and stare up at the opening above. Sunlight shines through and I can see it and feel it. It feels humid. The ground levels and my eyes open, perplexed by the change of scenery. I can't see any of the other Fighters because a mass of dense trees tower over me. The vegetation is green and healthy but overgrown. 

"Shit! I thought we were gonna be in the desert again!"

Michean frowns and grumbles beneath his breath. 

"Welcome back, Fighters and Audience," the voice announces, "Today we will be witnessing Round 2! Fighters will make their way from their current positions towards this marked check point!"

A brilliant light explodes a distance away, shooting into the air like a rocket. 

"The fireworks indicate the check point! Once the Fighters make it there Round Two will be finished! Sounds simple enough right? It would be if this round wasn't The Caravala Massacre!"

I stare at the fireworks in the air, shimmering downwards. My mouth opening in exasperation.

"Wow. Looks so pretty..."

"Concentrate, Kid! If we lose then we'll die! You understand?"

I nod slowly, my eyes not moving from the array of lights. In the corner of my eye, Michean glances around, observing the area with a concerned look. 

"I think that if we head East we can make it to the check point," he says to me, "We might meet up with other Fighters too and have a better chance to survive."

"Now, the rules are simple yet different! There will be Caravala spread out across this map. Some are greater in power than the others so we'll see how our surviving Fighters fair!"

Suddenly, I hear the roar of the crowd to my right and I turn, making out the side of the arena. Michean looks too and smiles. 

"That's our ticket to the end! If we follow the wall then we have to make it to the end! The audience is lined up across the whole field!" 

He gives a sly smirk and stands in a ready position like I had seen him yesterday. I prepare to follow him, knowing that I am not very fast. 

 "Alright Fighters! Ready? Let the Battle begin!"

I follow Michean as he takes off towards the wall. He's a lot faster than me but I run next to him eventually. He gives me an arrogant grin, running even faster. 

"Come on, kid! You think you can beat me," Michean challenges, "ha! I'm the fastest!"

The ground blurs below me as i feel a surge of competitive adrenaline. The steady thump of my footsteps echoes in my ears and I feel a bead of sweat roll down my forehead. I really want to catch up to him.

"I can beat you!"

I don't know why we're playing while Caravala could be anywhere at any time but it is nice seeing Michean smile. It makes me feel warm as he dashes ahead. My ears become aware of a loud thumping behind me. I turn slightly but see nothing in my direct line of eyesight. The trees next to me begin to rustle and tumble downwards as I narrow my eyes, my heart stopping.

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