The M&G!

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Girls line up like crazy! It's like they'll never see him again in their lives and they're crying as this is going on. The line slowly moves but it's moving and each girl that walks away from the M&G is crying from how happy they are that they finally met their idol & got to hug them. Another girl came out with her friend screaming "THAT WAS THE BEST MOMENT OF MY LIFE!" 

It takes about 10 minutes or so but I finally get up to the front of the line and Alison (one of Justin's crew members) tells me that I'm next in line.  

The girl in front of me comes around the other side & I look at her as tears are coming down her face.  

"Alright you're next. Go."  

"Huh?" I got caught staring at the girl who was crying before me & completely forgot what was going on.  

"It's your turn. Go? Lol" "oh I'm so sorry, I got lost in space somewhere. Lol! Okay thanks." 

Justin sees that I'm the next one in line around the corner & when the girl in front of me leaves he decides to scare me so he hides behind the curtains, as I step in front of where Justin is supposed to be at the camera he's not there. 

"Oh boy where could Justin be? Oh no he disappeared. Hahah. You know I see you right? I mean why else is there a outline of a person behind the curtain? Magic! Lol."  

Justin peeks out behind the curtain and smiles at me. "Hey it could of been a ghost? Hahah." "Oh really? What kind of ghost? A visible one. Lmao!" "Actually if I was a ghost I'd be a pretty sexy one ;)" "oh yes, all other ghosts would be jealous of your sexiness & visibleness! Hahahah" "took the words right out of my mouth!" "OMG😶 lol!"  

Alison looks at the two of us having a conversation. 

"Guys you can do this after the concert! We just have a whole bunch of people waiting in line here!" "Sorry Alison!" 

The camera person positions the camera and Justin and I stand right next to eachother.  

"Ready guys?" "Yes we are!" 

The guy gets ready with the camera and starts saying "1.2.3 smile!" Just as soon as he gets to 3 Justin quickly places his lips on my cheek and my mouth drops immediately and I make a squinting face but a cute one.  

The guy takes the picture and I take another look at Justin before exiting the room.  

When I look back at Justin as I walk away he smiles back to me with the cutest smile I've possibly ever seen in my life! 

Camera man: "well that's a keeper! ;)" Justin grabs the towel next to him on the ground and throws it at the guy.  

"Shut Up Drew. Hahahah!"

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