Carly Rae Jepsen

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The 30 minutes go by so quickly and the lights start to dimmer in the arena. The audience starts screaming. Kenny, Alfredo and Scooter come out from the side of the stage and stand in front or everyone.  

"So are you guys ready for Justin Bieber!" 

The audience goes into an uproar.  

"Woah Kenny, I think they're ready for Justin now! Why keep them waiting any longer?" "Because Alfredo we have a special guest tonight for everyone." "Oh that's right we do! Does everyone wanna know who this special guest is?" "YEAH!!!!" "Alright Scooter take it away!" "Everyone my new artist from Canada, you may know her from her song "Call Me Maybe" everyone Carly Rae Jepsen!"  

Everyone in the audience starts screaming and clapping for Carly & she walks out on stage!  

"Cali how we doing tonight? I hear all of you, I LOVE YOU GUYS TOO! This is my song called "Beautiful" hope you guys enjoy it!" 

The song begins to play & everyone's swaying back & forth. In the middle of the song there's a part that Justin sings & Carly just stays quiet as the music continues. I could hear Justin's voice during that part but everyone just thinks it's the voice-over. Justin ends up coming to the stage & singing with Carly. The audience starts screaming as Justin comes on stage to join Carly with the song. He walks up to the front of the stage and I stare at him while we're looking at eachother.  

"What makes you so beautiful is that you don't know how beautiful you are to me! You're not trying to be perfect, nobody's perfect, but you are to me! You try to take my breath away, fill the words that I cant' say. Wish I could see them now." 

They continue the song doing a duet and it ends. Everyone begins to clap for the both of them!  

"Thank you so much everyone! Big hand to my friend Justin Bieber" The crowd goes wild & people start whistling. 

Justin continues to look at me.  

*whisper* "that was PERFECT!" 

He smiles & walks over to Carly to give her a hug.  

"Thanks everyone! Have a great time tonight! Thanks."

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