Justin & Nick's fight.

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Nick's POV. 

I walked outside to find Justin & (y/n) there but she was backing away from him. I couldn't just let her stay here when all she wanted was to get away from him. 

I walked up to Justin & (y/n) & I told her to get into the car. She didn't listen to me at first but after a couple of times she grabbed my keys & got into the car. Once she was in I decided to take action & stand up for her. 

I turned around to Justin & pushed him so hard that he fell to the ground. 

"What the fuck did you think you were doing? She said to stay away from her & you decided to go ignore her & bother her anyway. You're so pathetic. I've heard how much you care about her. If you cared about her you would of left her alone when she said she didn't want to be near you. So I suggest you do the right thing & back away before something ugly happens & leave her alone for right now." 

After I said what I had to say I started walking towards the car & as I started walking Justin got back off from the ground & pushed me forward. I quickly jerked around & punched him to the point where he was bleeding. I couldn't let him talk to her like that back there. We got into a physical fight & before I even knew it (y/n) stepped out of the car to try to break the fight up & a couple of seconds later she was on the ground unconscious.  


Justin's POV 

I just wanted to talk to (y/n) I was sorry that I said those things to her & I just wanted everything to be better. I walked outside the studio & saw her pacing back and forth. She quickly stopped when she saw me & started calling for Nick. 

"(Y/n) I just wanted to talk to you." "No I thought I said to stay away from me for right now. NICK!" "Come on please just for a minute?" "No Justin. NICK!!!!!!!" 

She kept screaming his name & he came outside to see me standing there. 

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" "I just wanted to talk to her for a minute!" "She told you to stay away from her so I think you should do the smart thing & stay away." 

I wanted to hit him so badly but not when (y/n) was there. He told her to get into his car & when she walked away into his car he turned around and pushed me so that I fell to the ground. Once he pushed me that hard that I fell I decided to defend myself. 

As he was walking away I got up off my feet & pushed him forward so that he almost tripped. Nick turned back around and punched me that I was bleeding & the next thing I see is (y/n) getting out of the car to stop the fight. I didn't want to fight in front of her but I couldn't take it anymore he was pissing me off. As she was trying to get in between us holding us back we both tried taking a shot at eachother & not even 30 seconds later (y/n) was falling to the ground & going unconscious.

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