Only the beginning of the end

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I wake up the next morning to the smell of breakfast in the air. I quickly get up & throw on some clothes than run downstairs to the kitchen. My mom cooked some homemade breakfast. Pancakes, breakfast potatoes, sausages. Yeah basically what every teenager wants to eat for breakfast everyday.

"Good morning sweetie." "Good morning mom." "This looks delicious." "thanks hun, just thought I'd make everyone a nice home cooked breakfast before you all leave for today." "Awh thanks mom!"

I grab a plate in the cabinet & go towards the food. I grab everything I see in sight & a glass of orange juice to sit down at the table. It takes me about 15 minutes to finish eating breakfast & I put my plate in the sink.

"Mom I have to say that was amazing!" "Thanks sweetie. When are you leaving to go the studio?" "I think I have to go now. I just need to brush my teeth & look presentable." "Oh of course. Have to keep yourself looking nice for your new boyfriend." "MOM! Haha." "Oh you know I'm kidding. Haha. Go, do what you need to tell. Let me know when you're leaving." "Okay."

I walk through the doors leading from the kitchen to the living room & go into the bathroom upstairs. I brush my teeth than run into my bedroom to put on clothes that make me look presentable. Once I have everything I grab my phone & my purse than go downstairs towards the door.

"Mom I'm leaving." "Okay sweetheart have a good day." "You too!"

I open the door & walk towards my car. When I get inside I see that there is a note sticking to the steering wheel.

"To (y/n) from Justin: meet me at the studio as soon as you wake up. I told you I'll have something special planned."

I turn on the engine of my car & start driving towards the studio. When I arrive I park my car in my normal parking spot & start walking towards the entrance. I get inside to a dark studio & it seems like no one is there.

"Hello?" "Sh, don't speak just come with me."

Someone grabs onto my hand *i'm assuming it's Justin* & walks me towards a room where they're are candles all over the place.

"What's all of this?"

The person holding onto my hands turned me around & of course none other than Justin was standing there.

"I told you I'd make up last night to you."

I walk around the room looking at the different areas he's placed. It was like taking a tour through the world. Paris, Singapore, Tokyo, Sydney. Different places across the country. It was beautiful!

"It's 8:00am Justin. Lol! Why didn't you do this later in the day when I didn't just wake up? Hah." "Well I mean if you don't appreciate it than...." "No, okay I take that back. I more than appreciate this. It's the sweetest thing one person has ever done for me." "Only for my princess." "Oh my gosh you're adorable." "You're more adorable! Now get over here."

I walk over towards Justin & place my arms around his neck & he places his around my waist.

"So are you glad you came here this morning?" "I'm more than glad i came this morning. I would of never been able to see this beautiful set-up you did for me. I couldn't of asked for a better boyfriend in the whole entire world!" "& I couldn't of asked for a better girlfriend in the whole entire world. I seriously love you (y/n) you're definitely the girl of my dreams & the one I'm supposed to be with." "Awh Justin that was so sweet! I of course love you also & it was destined for us to be together after so many years of having a crush on you I did something right to finally meet you & have you feel the same way about me as I did about you." "I'm glad it happened. God made the right move." "He certainly did."

I looked Justin in the eye & we kissed each-other for a long time. This was a moment I dreamed for for the longest time & I didn't want it ever to end. This is just the beginning, the rest is gonna be a party.

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