The talk.

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I sit down at the booth & everyone on the other side looks at me.  

"Okay we ready to do another round?" "Yeah." "Okay & ready in 3.2" 

The song begins & Justin starts singing. All I can think about is what i heard on the news & that's the only thing that's on my mind. I get completely lost in thought & when it's my turn to sing I'm not even in my body.  

"(Y/n)! (Y/n)" "yeah, huh, what?" "You missed your part of the song." "OMG I'm so sorry. I wasn't even paying attention." "I can see? Are you good now." "Yeah I'm fine." "Alright than. & again in 3.2."  

Justin begins the song over again & than it gets to my part. I begin singing my part & I miss a few beats. After thinking so much about what I heard I begin to cry. 

"OMG (y/n) are you okay?" "Yeah, uhm just give me a minute."  

I get up from the seat & walk out of the room. Everyone just looks at me on the way out.  

"What the hell was that?" "I guess I better go check on her." "No Nick, I will. I think I know why she's upset just gimme a sec to go talk to her." "Alright Bieber. Go." 

Justin gets up & walks out of the room as well. He follows me outside as I sit on the sidewalk.  

"Hey (y/n) are you okay?" As I just sit there I wipe my tears away & turn back to look at Justin. "Huh? Yeah I'm fine, just got a little emotional but no I'm okay." He could tell I was lying as more tears ran down my face. All I did was just keep crying & than i placed my face into his chest. Justin places his arms around me as I cry into him. 

"What's wrong beautiful?" "Ugh, this is wrong?" "What?" "This! You're like my boss we can't be doing what we did yesterday at the show." "That was just a spur of the moment thing. I couldn't help myself I'm sorry. You could of told me you were uncomfortable, I just couldn't handle you being in front of me." "Wow Justin okay now you're starting to sound like me. Lol! I'm the one that can't handle myself around you. 5 years is a long time to have a crush on someone." "Wow 5 years is a long time. Lol! But I'm so glad that you've been with me this whole time." "Well...." "You know what I mean. Not literally the whole time but as my fan you have been. This whole thing is just a dream come true for you." "Oh yes." "You don't even want to know what kind of kid I was before I became famous. It was ridiculous." "I bet you were an adorable kid." "I was such a cheese as a little kid." "Hold up you really just called yourself a cheese? Haha." "I was, I'm not going to deny it." "Awh I'm sure you weren't a cheese." "No like I was. You know what I'm ending rehearsal early today & we're going somewhere." "Where?" "You'll see, I'll be right back."

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