Our first fight

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I wash my hair & scrub myself down, when I'm finished i dry myself off & throw on some comfortable clothes of Justin's & put my hair up to dry. When I walk out of the bathroom I see Justin getting changed so I decide to give him some privacy & shut the bathroom door again. (But you know I had to keep it open a little so I can see.)

In my head:

"Oh my god he is seriously so banging! Look at his abs I'm about to melt on the floor. What the hell am I talking about? I'm not going to be able to keep myself quiet from anyone, it's going to be so awkward at the studio. AHHHH!"

After I think about everything I open the bathroom door again & I grab everything from the room & put my shoes back on.

"Hey (y/n) where are you going?" "I'm going to go home for a couple of hours." "But we have to be in the studio by 11?" "Justin it's only 8 o'clock. I'll be at the studio by 11. I just wanted to go home for a lil bit." "Okay. Well than I have to drive you home since you don't have your car with you." "Damn that's right you do. Okay well finished getting changed & I'll be downstairs." "Okay I'll meet you down there in a second." "Okay."

I open the bedroom door & walk down the stairs. Once I get downstairs I sit on the couch & my cell phone rings.

"Hello?" "Hey (y/n) where are you?" "Nick?" "Yeah? Where the hell are you." "I'm at my house why?" "No you're not cuz I just called your house & your mom said you didn't come home last night. So where are you?" "I'm with Justin at his house." "YOU'RE AT WHO'S HOUSE? JUSTIN'S! I'm going to kill the two of you. What did I say about staying away from eachother unless it was work related." "I'm sorry we just went out to eat last night & came back to his house to watch a movie & I fell asleep on the couch." "You just fell asleep on his couch?" "Yes we were watching a movie & I fell asleep. That's what happened." "Okay?" "Nick I'm not lying to you I swear. That's all that happened. I would never do anything to worry you." "Okay (y/n) I believe you. So what are you guys doing now?" "He's upstairs getting changed, I told him I wanted to go home for a little bit." "Sounds like a good idea to me. Just make sure the two of you are here at 11." "I'm taking my own car this time so I'll make sure I'm there by 11." "K just remind Justin when you see him." "Will do. Bye Nick see you in a little while." "Bye (y/n) see you soon."

I end the phone call with Nick as Justin walks down the stairs.

"So who was that on the phone?" "Nick." "What did he want so early in the morning?" "He just wanted to know where I was." "Man always butting into your business." "JUSTIN! I mean he is my manager I don't blame him for wanting to know where I am." "Every single second (y/n)? You're 17 years old, I think you're old enough to be going out for a night without having to be asked where you are." "& you're 19? So what's the difference it's like Scooter asking you where you are every second." "He doesn't though?" "Okay well Nick & I just started working together not that long ago & I understand where he is coming from so don't get defensive on me." "I'm not getting defensive on you. I'm just saying I think he should give you some space to be yourself." "I know what you're saying but I just can't tell him to back off. He's just trying to keep me safe." "From what?" "I don't know how bout you ask him. I'm done with this argument can we please just go now!" "Okay."

Justin & I walk out of his house & into the car. He brings me home & when we pull up into my driveway I grab my bag off the floor & begin to open the car door.

"Hey (y/n) I'll see you in a little while okay?" "Yeah yeah." "Don't I get a kiss before you go?"

I give him a kiss before stepping out of the car.

"Bye Justin." "Bye babe I'll see you at 11." "Yeah."

I start walking up towards my house as Justin drives away.

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