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I open my eyes but I don't see anything. My vision I black and I can feel the cold hard ground that my face is laying on top of. I can't open my eyes. I don't know why. I feel sick to my stomach and it hurts to move. I move my head to the left and I am blinded by lights. I turn back to the darkness. It hurts to look that way. I stare at the ground I can not see. It seems to swirl like a never ending void. My breathing is heavy and I hear it getting louder, as my hearing comes back.

"Don't worry. Your sight will come back." I hear someone say to my left. I roll on my side and hold out my hands, towards the noise in the blinding light.

"Who is there!?" I yell and I see a shadow moved towards me. "Stay away!" I yell and the shadow stops in front of me. My vision starts to slowly become more defined. I start to see the out line of his head and his clothing. Then it all becomes perfectly clear. I am in a low lit room made of concrete. There are no windows and one door, that seems to be locked. I am swerving my head around looking at the room. I focus back on the person in front of me. He has dirty blond hair and a look of true care and worry in his face. But, behind it it cold and I can see the pain he has endured. He is wearing a flanel with a hoodie on the inside. Different, but I kind of like it. He puts his arm on my shoulder. I move to shove it off, but I don't.

"Where am I?" I ask and he looks at the ground then back up at me.

"I wish I knew." he says looking back up at me. I start to stand and he helps me up. He holds me since I am too weak to do so by myself. I see more of the room from here. Little things like the mold in the corner and the two beds sitting on opposite sides of the building. He walks me to the nearest bed and places me on it. My head hurts and I grab the sheet on the bed from the pain, not showing it on my face.

"How long have you been here?" I ask him.

"At least three weeks." he says watching me, making sure I don't fall or something.

"What's your name?" I ask.

"Grant McGeachy. But they call me The Legacy." he says and I look at him in fear and confusion.

"Who are 'they'?"I ask and as I do, I hear the door unlock and a man armed with a large gun walks in. He grabs my arm and holds me up.

"He wants to see you now." he says and I fight against his grip.

"Who is he?" I ask and he pushes me into the hall way. I hit the wall. I start to lift my self from the wall and the man grabs me and pulls me down the large hall. "Where am I going!? Where am I!?" I yell. We reach the end of the hall way and he opens a door and pushes me in. He pushes me into a chair and hand cuffs me to it. I turn as he exits the room and shuts the door. I curse at the door. I finish, breathing heavily.

"You are a feisty one aren't you?" I hear a voice say and shoot towards the noise.

"Shit." I say scared half to death. A man sits in a desk. He seems average height and has dark brown hair. He has a smile on his face that doesn't seem pleasant. He is leaning forward in the desk.

"So you are our new recruit." he says pulling out a file and opens it. I see my picture in it. My short brown hair and brown eyes. I lean forward. "Rachel Lane." he says.

"It's Ricky." I say and he looks up from the papers. He closes the file and looks at me. He doesn't say anything. I don't make any noise either. We stay silent for a minute. Until I break the silence. "Who are you?" I ask and he laughs.

"Who am I? Do you even watch the news? My name is Adam Port. A multimillionaire, play boy, philatherpist. I made this place." He says holding up his hands like I'm supposed to be impressed.

"Why am I here?" I ask and he slams his hands on the table and I jump, but not far from the cuffs.

"For amusment." he says and he stands from his chair. He walks towards me. He puts his hands on the arms of the chair and leans toward my face. He smiles and lifts me by my neck to the wall. The chair hangs from my arm, making the cuff dig into my skin. I grab the arm to prevent the depness of the cut. "Fight me." He says and I gasp for air. "Fight me!" he yells and I hit him with the entirety of the chair on his head. It smashes apart and he drops me. I see blood on the floor and he holds his face. He looks up and me with smile, only his face is cut open that you can't tell that he is smiling. The cut is so deep and the blood continues to run from his face. Only the cut start to heal. In a matter of seconds the cut start to come back together to reform his face. He is now back to normal and he smiles at me.

The door next to me opens and the guard grabs me by my arm and drags me the cell. I kick and curse into the air. He carries me and gets to my door he opens it and throws me in. I land face down to the cold ground, just like I first found it.

Razor: A New Threat(6)Where stories live. Discover now