Fears and Weakness

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My eyes shut and I immediately see the blood shed from the day before. Adam's face being torn open. I can feel the blood on my skin. Warm. Sticky. Its splatters on my face. He laughs with the gouge across his face and blood drains from it. The laugh sounds like if he was to do it with water in his mouth. It goes back to normal and so does his laugh. I back up and I run into someone. The person I had first killed in the arena. His chest scorched and his entire body is pale with black around his eyes. He opens his mouth and blood pours out. I back away from him, but so many hands grab me and hold me where I am. Its the other Metas I killed in the arena to stay alive. The man in front of me walks forward and smiles. His hands on fire.

I shoot up in my bed, screaming. I back to the wall to the left side of my bed. I am breathing heavily and Grant walk over and sits on my bed. My eyes dart back and forth and I can't focus on anything.

"Wow, hey it's fine. You are safe in here." he says but I know it is a lie. None of us are safe. We are prisoners that are forced to fight to the death. He leans against the wall next to me. My breathing starts to slow but my heart continues to beat fast. "What was it?" he asks me and I look at him.

"The people I killed. I saw them. It felt so real." I tell him, looking at the bed.

"The first kill is the hardest. Trust me, I know." he says and start thinking.

"How many people have you killed?" I ask him and he looks at the bed now instead of me.

"Ninty six from yesterday." he says, not showing any emothion at all about it. He hair dangles in front of his eyes. It seems to be longer than he usually has it. I put my hand his shoulder and he looks up at me. "I'm not a monster." he says and I smile.

"Neither of us are. Adam Port is the monster. And we are his down fall." I say and he smiles.

"That would work if we weren't in a cage." he says looking at the door. I look with him. There has to be a way out. He gets up and looks down at me. "We should rest." he says and walks away.

"Wait." I say, not sure why at first but then I realize why. " I don't want to sleep alone." I say and he walks back. I don't notice he had taken his shirt off but when he layed down I could feel his skin on my arm. He grabs me and I grab his arms. We lay there in the darkness. I feel his muscles relax and he has fallen asleep. I don't. I stare at the wall in wonder if what I am doing. It my father knew I was sleeping in the same room, let alone the same bed, as a Meta he would kill me. Hours pass and there is a slamming on the door. Grant rolls off the bed and to his feet. He puts on his tattered shirt and I get to my feet. The armed men open the door and we walk through it, not needing them to force us through.

We enter the large arena first and wait as the others enter the arena. We were last at the last fight so I never heard the rules. I was surprised to hear there were rules. You fight alone unless you have a cell mate, you fight and win together. That's why I survived the last one. I feel the cheer eminate from the ground. Almost all of the Metas have entered the arena when we hear a booming voice. Adam.

"Good morning Challengers! Welcome back Legacy and Conduit! Now fight!" He yells and the blood shed begins. I begin to move forward when Grant holds me back.

"You don't need more blood on your hands." he tells me, and I can see in his eyes he is trying to protect me. Like he knows the feeling. I stand next to him and he looks at me. He has to slightly look down but not much. He slides his hand into mine and I grab hold. I look up at him and he smiles at me. I let go as the last two meta finish their kill. They look to us. Splattered in blood.

One is covered in spikes that look to be bone. The other doesn't seem strange in anyway. Grant charges the normal one and I charge the one with bone. He swings and I dodge shooting electricity at him. He dodges and shoves a bone knife into my lower leg. I scream in pain and Grant pushes them back from us. He looks at the bone Meta and spins his hand. The Metas kneck snaps and he falls to the ground. He holds out his hand and starts to close it. The other Meta starts to be crushed by the emense gravity. All I see is the back of Grant's head.

"Stop!" I yell and he turns to me. His eyes completely blue. They shift back to their normal color and he drops the already dead Meta. He walks over and picks me up. I scream from the pain in my leg. He walks to our door and the guards walk towards us. His cheek is bleeding. I want to help but I can only focus on the pain in my leg.

"I got her." he says as he walks through the hallway to our cell. He walks in and place me on the bed. He turns to the open door. "We need medical supplies!" he yells at them pointing to my leg. It feels red hot and painful. My head starts to go light and my head drops to the bed. I close my eyes and everything is black.

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