The Hunt

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I open my eyes and I see trees. Blurry trees. My vision isn't the best, but I can make out the greens and yellows of the tall trees. I rise and stay sitting. How did I survive. My plan didn't add me surviving. It was supposed to be a sacrifice. I start to stand but stumble as a large explosion rumbles on the trees and the ground shakes. I can hear the noise and I start to walk towards it. I walk fast and turn into a jog. I think about what happened in the sky. Grant. My jog turns into a run and then into a sprint.

I find a hole in the trees created by the crash. Cement and pipes cover the ground. I run into the rubble, searching for Grant. I run through and on top of the rubble.

"Grant!" I yell hoping he answers. "Grant!" I try, yelling louder. I love forward but fall in the cement when something grabs my foot. My hands are raw from my fall, but I push my self forward with no use. I look back and I see Adam's bloody and broken face emerging from the rubble. His arm continuosly healing as he pulls me back. I push against the rubble with my other foot.

"You bitch. You ruined everything!" he yells as his face starts to heal. "Now I will ruin you." he says and I scream. He pulls but stops when a gun shot goes off. I see the bullet ever his head and exit the other side I kick his hand off my leg and back away from him. I stand up, looking above Adam's body. I look into the eyes of Grant. I run to him and hug him. He winced in pain and I see his shoulder is bleeding.

"How... How are we alive?" I ask him.

"I don't know. I don't know how we survived that fall." he's says and I look around us.

"I didn't know we were in the air." I say to him.

"The reason no one could find it is because we were above their search area." he says and he looks at Adam. He walks over and pulls some of the rubble off of his body. He searches his pockets. He finds a satellite phone and dials a number. He waits as it dials and rings.

"Peter?!" he finally says. "It's great to hear your voice too. I need your help. Yes I know I have been missing." he says and I can hear a voice continually talking. "Shut up! I need you to track this phone and come and get us. Yes us. There will be survivors. Its a long story. Ok I will keep the call going." he says and I look at him.

"So what the situation?" I ask.

"It will take a few minutes to track the satillite phone." he says and I nod. He grabs my arm and holds me with his good arm. I hug his stomach, being thankful that we both made it out of that. I hear a noise and I jump. I look towards Adam's body as it starts to move. Rising up and getting on its feet. He gets on his feet and I see he is missing an arm. The laughs with his back turned to us. He screams and I see the stump that is his arm grow until it becomes a regularly shaped arm. He turns laughing with the gun shot hole in his forhead.

"You really thought it would be that easy!?" he yells with anger. Grant pushes him away and grabs my hand, running. I shake his grip and run next to him.

"I can run without you holding my hand!" I yell to him and I can hear Adam's laugh through the woods. We run and I can hear gun fire emerge from the edge of the woods. Adam's army has some survivors. Bullets grave the trees next to us as we run. We sprint forward, not turning towards the gun fire. I run and run, no plans of stopping. Until Grant does. I turn to him towards him.

"Grant!" I screams and he turns back to me.

"Run." he says to me and I do. But not what he intended. I run towards him and stand next to him. He holds up his hand and create a crushing of gravity. I shoot electricity into it and he pushes down harder until it back fires. Throwing us back. I rise from my fall and I see the trees have fallen. Grant is grabbing me and pulling me up from the ground. "We have to move while we can. " he says to me and we run into the thick of the woods.

My hands can't stop sparking and he. Stops and stares at his hands. A yellow glow of energy emerges from his lower arms. He stares at it worried and then to move. He almost falls and leans on a tree. The moment he touches is it lights on fire. He steps back.

"What is that?" I ask and he looks at me with worrying eyes.

"I don't know. I've never had this before." he says and I step forward to him and reach out for his hand. He pulls it back. "No! I'll kill you." he says and I reache towards it again and my sparks colide with the yellow glow and we connect our hands.

"I don't think you will let that happen." I say, smiling at him. We run again into the forest. We hear a loud noise and we jump at the noise, but realize it was the satilite phone. He looks at it and holds the phone to his ear and he laughs. He looks to me.

"It tracked. The Meta Elite are coming to help." he says with a smile. He embraces me with a hug and I hug back. But I dont smile. My shirt sleeve pushes up and you can see my anti Meta tattoo.

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