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We run down the hall, toward the transmitter for Adam's microbots. I hold my large staff, Grant and Clark both holding guns. I have one, but I'm using it as last resort. The hall takes a sharp turn to the right. I skid around it, catching an eye sight of three armed guards. I kick of the wall and hide behind the corner. Gun shots go off and door steps get closer. Grant starts to walk forward. I stop him.

"I got these guys." I say. I step out and twirl the paton, extending the staff. I hit the first guards gun and lunch his face and suck down for the other shots. I jump up and kick off a wall getting on his shoulders. I spin and flip him over, knocking his head on the ground. He flops to the ground unconscious. I shorten the paton and throw it at the last guard, hitting him in the throat. He falls to his knees. I kick his head and he falls. I kneel down and pick up my paton. I look at Grant.

"Remind me not to piss you off." Clark says with a smile. We run towards the doors. I get to them first and kick them open. I walk in quickly. That was a mistake. A role wraps around my neck and lifts me in the air, not fast enough to snap, but start to suffacate. I grab the rope.

"Ricky!" Grant yells. Oh ya, yelling my name will help. He shoots his gun at the machine at the end of the room. It deflects it and flies into another wall. I feel the rope and realize it's not rope. It's wire. I see a monitor with a heart beat on it. My head beat. I spark my hand and shock my heart. My eyes close and I fall.

I hit with a thud. I regain conciousness seconds later. I hold out my hand and shock the machine. It smokes and goes out of comission. I look at Grant. He pulls out a transmitter to Paul.

"We found it. You can kill him!" He says.

"Are you sure?!" He yells back. "Because he just reattached his arm!" He yells. It didn't work we were wrong.

"It was a trick." I say getting to my feet. My throat is in pain, but ibpush forward. "It's time to end this game." I say and walk out towards the hall. Paul shows up at the door and takes us to the battle ground. Adam stands in front of us smiling.

"Nice of you to join us!" He yells holding a pistol. His eyes wild. "So what's it like ruining someone's life!?" He yells out of hatred.

"Shouldn't you be saying that at a mirror?" I say back. "You killed hundreds of people!" I yell. He waved the gun and shakes his head no.

"I didn't kill them, they killed each other. I never pulled the trigge!" He screams. I pull out my paton. He holds up his gun. "Don't get any dumb ideas!" He yells. I hold it in my right hand. I trained with staffs with the AM.

I spin it and it extends. He shoots. The his the bullet with the large metal pole. He continues to shoot. I get closer. He runs out of bullets. Planes fly over head and drop more soldiers. The others start to fight them as I deal with Adam. I get up to him and he grabs my pole. I spark it and he screams out in pain. He is getting weaker. He pushes me and I keep my staff. I laughs.

"This is your end young Meta." He says.

"The only reason you created this is because you aren't worthy of being called a Meta." I say. He screams and charges. He punches, grabs my staff and throws it out of reach. I suck his punches. I make a strike on his nose. It breaks but immediately heals. I back up and run at him. I jump and knock him to the ground. He grabs me and pushes me to the ground instead of me striking it.

"This is your last move." He says.

"I sign play by your rules." I say, grabbing his transmitter. I throw it and he looks at me wild eyed. He crawls toward it. I grab him and shock him. He screams as his body burns, but he slowly crawls forward, dragging me with him. I add more charge. He screams louder, but continues forward. I pull out my gun and shoot him in the head. He stops creeping forward.

I get up and walk next to his body. His hand grabs my leg and pills me towards him. The transmitter is really a receiver. The microbots are forming shapes that shouldn't be there for a face. He crawls toward me.

"Ricky!" You can hear in a digital, raspy voice. I kick his head but it engulfs my foot. I shock him and he lets go of my foot. I stand up and the microbots finally figure out his face. I grab the reciever and run towards a wage house. All I hear of Adam screaming. I turn back and I see him running after me. I pull out my gun. I throw up the reciever and shoot it. Adam collapses to the ground.

"This is the end of your murderous ideas!" I yell, pointing the gun at him. I get ready to pull the trigger.

"Ricky move!" I hear. I look to my left and see a plane flying straight for me.

Razor: A New Threat(6)Where stories live. Discover now