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I stand back with Charles as Grant, Clark and Paul walk towards the front gate. Grants words from a moment ago ring in my head. He walked up to me, kisses me deeply then whispered in my ear.

"Don't let him win." I don't know if he meant Adam, or whatever mind game Paul is pulling analyze me for the Elite.

"You ready?" Charles ask, snapping me out of the day dream. I look at the ground.

"Ya, let's end Adam." I say.

"You care for him, don't you?" He asks me. I look at him.

"Of course." I say. He places his hand on my shoulder. He takes a deep breath in and I follow his lead. We fade into he shadows. All I see is darkness but figures appear in in red shapes. My fears. Grant shutting me out. My father killing Grant. Everything. Then, all I we is death.

We arrive in the compound and I breath out in a heavy sigh. Charles grabs me by my mouth and shoulder, covering any noise I make. We hide behind a jeep as he looks out the window. He continues to look and I look at him, waiting for a sign that we are clear. He lets go of my mouth and I breath out slow, avoiding noise. I pull out my paton, and he pulls out a gun.

"Lead the way." I tell him. He walks out from the jeep and towards a large warehouse. I twirl out my paton and hold it as the staff. I don't spark it so it doesn't make noise.

The air is cold and quiet. Silent. Like we are all that is alive on earth, but we know why we are here, to find the generator. We get to the doors of he warehouse. We hide around the corners of the door.

"It's in there." He tells me. I look in and it looks completely abandoned.

"I dont like the feel of this. It's too easy." I say.

"Lets not question easy things. Let's go and take it out so we have one less problem. The others will keep Adam busy." He says.

I enter the room. I spark my hands. I can hear the hum from th electricity. I approach the machine. I reach out to touch it. A gun goes off and a bullet flies through my hand. I scream out in pain. Charles runs to my aid. He tears off a piece of cloth and raps my hand with it. I hold it close to me chest, kneeling on the ground. I hear applause.

"Bravo. Valiant idea. Just not that well thought out." Adam says appearing out of the shadows.

"When they see you aren't at the front that will come to help us." Charles says, standing next to me. I rise next to him, keeping my hand close to my chest. I start to sweat from the pain.

"Oh they are too preoccupied to help you." He says and we can now hear the gun fire and fighting going on out side the warehouse. He gives me a smile. "Your turn."

"You always forget one thing." I say.

"And what would that be, my dear?" He says with wild, evil eyes.

"We aren't playing by your rules." I say, pulling out a grenade. I pull the pin with my teeth and throw it towards the machine. It gets stuck in an air vent. I run from the machine. Then, the explosion goes off. I hit the ground and roll over to see the machine is now in rubble. I push my way to my feet.

"What have you done!?" Adam yells. I smile. I hold my paton. I spark it. Charles walks up to me. He gives me a shot and I look at him.

"Clark's blood. Only temporary." He says. I smile. I walk towards the destroyed machine. My hand already feels better. Smoke fills the room. I walk slowly. I don't hear foot prints.

Adam appears out of no where and grabs me by the neck. He knocks my staff out of my hand. I grab his wrist with one hand and his face with the other. I shock him and he drops me falling to the floor. He grabs my leg and trips me. I kick his grip and start to crawl. He crawls towards me from behind. I pull out my gun and shoot his forehead.

I rise to my feet and instinctively run. I leave to warehouse and see a fighter plane crashing over head. The wing slpits of and crashes into a building next to the one I left. Grant falls from the sky and crashes into the ground into a run. I run to him. Two men appear. He goes for one and I shoot the other. He sees the other fall and turns and sees me. He walks over.

"It was an ambush, he knew..." He starts, but I kiss him, ending the sentence. We pull apart and we smile. We hear an explosion and look to my right towards the old warehouse.

"Ricky!" Adam yells, stagering towards us, the bullet hole just finishing healing. "You stupid.." He starts but gets cut off when. Clark hits him with a truck.

"Get in!" He yells. We run and get in the truck.

"Shouldn't we get the transmitter?!" I yell over the battle.

"He doesn't have it! It's in a large building over there!" He says pointing to the heavily guarded building to my left. "Hold on!" He yells. He punches the gas and drive straight towards it. "Please be there Paul." I hear him mutter. We get dangerously close. We practically hit the wall when Paul gets us. He grabs us and takes us into a hall way.

"Go down that hall, and take a right to the doors at the end of the hall!" He yells. I grab his shoulder.

"Find Charles!" I yell. He nods and disappears. I look down the hall. I hold my gun. I look at Grant and Clark. "Lets go." I say and we run.

Razor: A New Threat(6)Where stories live. Discover now