Fighting Instinct

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I sit on a tree stump, staring at the ground. I stare at one thing in particular. A lady bug slowly making its way in front of me. I can't even think of thing of beauty after all the blood shed I have whitnessed. My hands spark and course. I don't care if it hits anything. All I think about is the amount of death I have caused. My hair wraps around my neck and makes it warm in an already warm place. I push it to one side to let the other cool off, but that only make the other one even hotter. I look up and I see Grant patrolling the area. I stand and I walk over to him. The sun is rising and I know he didn't sleep last night like I did.

"How about you go get some sleep. I can take watch." I say and he continues to potrol the area around us. He doesn't even look at me. He just keeps walking and searching for any sign of danger. "Grant?" I ask and I walk over to him. "Grant!" I yell and he turns to me. He grabs me and holds me in place. His face cut open like I cut open Adam's when we first met.

"This is what you cause!" he tries to yell, but it's like he says it underwater. Blood splatters on my face. I can feel it warmth. "This is what you will become!" I hear but the voice changes to what I recognize as my father. I hear a gun shot and I shoot up from my dream, into the dark night. My eyes have now adusted to the dark and I can see Grant from here. He sits there leaning on a tree, staring into the distance.

"Your awake." he says, turning his head to me.

"How did you know?" I ask and he chuckles.

"You screamed." he says, turning back to the forest.

"Why don't you get some rest I will take watch." I tell him.

"There's no point. I won't sleep either way." he says and I rise to my feet. My hair is a mess but I should expect that. I just slept on the ground. I walk over and sit next to him and lean on him for support. I look over towards an unmonitored part of the forest.

"We're you at the battle of the docs?" I ask him, having always been curious of that question.

"No I fought before that and woke up from a head hit after it." he says and I nod. He probably didn't see it.

"I saw you at the battle of San Francisco." I say, not lying about it. I saw him on a dragon flying out of the large building. He flew back in and returned to his fight.

"That was more of a slaughter than a battle." he says not happy about the subject. I turn to him.

"You saved thousands of people. How could you not consider that a win in your book?" I say and he turns to me.

"Because none of that matters personally when you loose someone you love." he says and I open my mouth to talk more but a large explosion erupts in the sky above us. I rise to my feet and I can see a plane glide over us. Its wing coursing flames across the night sky. It spins as it falls and I eventually crashes somwher in the forest behind us. The explosion lights up the night sky. Grant grabs me and we run into the darkness. It isn't until I look back I can see why. Several men are walking are way through the forest. We can see them from the light of the fire and explosion. I fire back some electricity, but it doesn't seem to hit anything. I shake off his hand and I shoot with two hands. This time it went in a eve taking out anything in all directions. I stand there and Grant quickly rises from the ground. I look at my feet and I can see a gun. I pick it up and Grant grabs me.

"We need to move!" he yells and I start to run. As We do it start to rain.  We run through the large forest, not knowing which way we are now heading. I hold the gun back but I refrain from during a shot. Better to not waste bullets till I need to. Grant sees the gun. "Let me see it!" he says. And I hand him it. He takes a sharp turn and puts me against a tree. "Wait here." he tells me and he runs behind me towards the dark figures in the forest. He jumps and goes in to the tree cover. I look back at the men as they walk towards me. I start to breath heavily and I spark my hand. The blue electricity lights up my body and it eventually covers me.

I walk out from behind the tree into the open. I can see their sloughet from the crashed plane. I kneel down and place my hand on the ground. I feel the wetness on the ground. That's what I hoped for. I elctricute the ground and I shock the first shadow. He kneels down. I stop. I rise, smiling, hoping it was enough. But my smile fades. He rises and I start to step back. I back into a tree as he walks forward. Grant falls out of the tree cover and crushed him. He does down and snaps his neck. Lightning flashes.

"Run!" he yells at me. I turn around the traa and do as he says. My body soaked to the bone from the rain. My feet splash. I look back and I can see the fight, not knowing which one is Grant or the shadow. I stop and watch the confrontation. One of the figures grabs the other on both sides of their head, ear to ear, and crushed the head. The body collapses and the other figure rises and starts to walks towards me. I start to step back as he walks towards me. I course the electricity and stop moving. I ready my hands. I will only have a brief second to see who it is. The figure gets closer and closer. Eventually stepping into the light.

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