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I hold out my hands in defence. I ready myself for the impact, but there is no way to prepare yourself for that. I close my eyes. I feel a hand push on my shoulder and I fall to the ground. I open my eyes just in time to see Clark get struck by the massive plane. I get up and run after the skidding plans. It stops and I catch up to him. He is under he nose of the plane. Dead, but not for long.

"Grant!" I yell and he runs to me. "Get this off of him!" I yell. He pics out his hands and pushes against the plane. It skids against the ground, off of Clark. I grab him and look at his dismembered body starting to regenerate. I look at Adam with hatred. I stand.

I walk past Grant and grab his hunting knife. I walk up to Adam, now breathing heavily.
I swing the knife and he blocks me. He pushes my hand as I slash through the air. I alas and let go, grabbing it with the other, finishing the attack. I slash and cut his palm open. He bleeds. He continues to bleed. He grabs his gun and aims it at me.

"Enough!" He yells. I look at Charles. "You will not stop me from finishing what I started!" He screams, blood trickling from his hand on to the ground. I hold the knife. He cocks the gun. I drop it. I smile. He gets angry.

"Now!" I yell. Charles faces and I duck to the ground as Adam shoots, dodging the bullet. Charles grabs me and we fades nto the shadows. I can see Adam looking around for us. Charles takes me past my staff. I roll from the ground, grabbing the paton.

I twirl it and make a pass on Adam. I hit his arms as he deflects the hits. Charles grabs me and we fade away again. I spark my hands and the pathway we are traveling through lights up. Charles screams. I pop out of the shadows, causing a shock wave of electricity. Adam is on the ground. I walk to him as he struggles to get up. I pull out my gun. I point it his head. He stops his accent.

"Ricky." I hear to my right. I look and see Grant. "You don't have to do this. You're not a killer." He says. I stare at Adam.

"Your right," I say. I look in Adam's eyes. I see his fear. His pain. I feel remorce. But then I see his hatred. He is a murderer. Only a murderer can kill murderers. "But I have to be." I say and pull the trigger. The bullet flies through Adam and he collapses to the ground, dead. Actually dead. He won't rise back to make a snarky remark. He is finally dead.

I turn to Grant. I killed him. Iblook at my hands. They shake. They are soaked in blood. I drop the gun and start to fall. Grant rushes to me and catches me. I cry into his shoulder.

"I feel like you two are always touching each other." I hear. I look up and see Clark. I let go of Grant run to him. I give him a deep hug. He hits me back.

"I thought you died, but I guess I'm not used to this power." I say, tears still straming from my eyes.

"No one ever is." He says. I laugh. Paul walks up to me.

"Can I talk to you in private?" He asks. I walk with him away from the others. "I know you already said no," he starts and pulls out the badge from the cabin. "But you would be a great addition to our team." He says. I look down at the leather square. I smile.

"Yes." I say. I turn to the others. He laugh about something. "I want to do something good with my life." Paul smiles. I grab the badge and hold it in my right hand.

"To Paul!" I hear Clark yell. "Lets get the hell out of here!" Paul pulls out the radio.

"Elite, I have them. Send reinforcments." He says.

"Already on it Paul. Good to hear you all made it out alive." A voice answers. Helicopters fly over head. One swoops low. It lands near us. A man in his mid twenties pops out. I looks hispanic, but it's hard to tell. We run to the chopper. I get in with Grant. Grant pays the man's back.

"Good to see you again George!" He has to tell over the wind.

"Same to you! What happened here?!" He asks. I look at Grant and he looks at me back. We survived so much together. The arena, the crash, Adam, the AM. I look at George.

"It's a long story!" I yell. Grant smiles and George looks at him.

"When is it not?" He say to himself. We fly north towards the newly built San Francisco. Home. Finally, home.

Razor: A New Threat(6)Where stories live. Discover now