Mysterious Ways

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I look down at Grant's motionless body. He has fallen and was spewing orange and yellow energy. I could feel the heat from him. I reach down to touch him but shop when I see the tent start to singe around us. I find a hunting knife and cut around him to keep the tent from catching on fire. I walk out the tent and to Clark.

"I need your help." I say to him. He stands up and stretches his shoulders. He seems to have healed. He walks toward the tent and then turns to me.

"Tell me exactly what happened in there." he asks and I do. There wasn't that much but I tell him what happened, the single minute of information that had happened in front of me. He looks at me in shock, wondering what the hell was going on. He turns and enters the tent. We both enter and Grant isn't on the ground any more. We go to where I cut the hole. There is a crater in the ground.

"Where the hell did he go?" I ask.

"Where the hell did the ground go?" he asks and we hear yelling from out side. We rush out and we start to hear what the words are.

"Clark! Ricky!" we hear and we run through the wreckage, toward the yelling. We reach the woods and we see Grant standing there. His hurt torn and he is breathing heavily.

"Grant!" Clark yells and moves forward.

"Run!" Grant yells and I grab Clark and throw him behind a large piece of metal. The energy corses above and around us. It starts to bleed over and Clark rolls on top of me. He screams as the energy starts to scorch his back. I scream as it feels to get stronger. Then, it stops. Clark is breathing heavily and I help him lay down so he won't be on his back. I peak out from the metal slab, looking at the scorched carnage. Is see Grant laying on the ground motionless.

"I'm going to go help him." I say to Clark as he grunts in pain on the ground. I run out from behind the metal slab and to Grant. I shake him to see if he is awake. It doesn't work at first. But then he shoots up breathing heavily, his eyes darting back and forth. He grabs my shoulders

"How did you make it?!" he yells at me. I grab his shoulder and he starts to calm down. I grab him and he falls into my chest. I help him up and we both team up to help Clark over to some sort of protection we make of this wreckage, of wreckage. Grant makes some cover out of a tarp we find and we set Clark under it.

"Why isn't he healing?" I ask Grant.

"Solar energy is the only thing that makes it hard for him to regenerate. We learned that the hard way." He says and I look at him.

"I think a bigger question is why are you shooting out solar energy?" I say to him and he looks in my eyes. I reach for his hand and he shoots it back.

"I'll hurt you." he says and I grab his hand.

"I don't think you will let that happen." I say and he smiles, a tear escaping his eyes. I kiss him and I spark him. He backs up and I laugh. We literally had a spark. He comes back towards me and kisses me again. No spark this time. There is no air in between us. I back up, breathing in his air.

"Do you two mind?" I hear Clark say and I forgot we had him faced towards us.

"Sorry." I say to him and he smiles.

"So Grant, what the hell?" he says and we obviously know what he is talking about.

"I don't know. Not even how I got there. All I know is I shot out solar energy." he says and Clark chuckles.

"Ya no shit. I can feel it on my back." he says.

"Has it started to heal?" I ask Clark.

"Ya, but it will take time. This is very powerful stuff, we should both be dead." he says.

"I agree." I hear from behind me and I see a figure in the dark. The sun starts to rise and I can see it's Adam's disfigured body from the blast. He grabs Grant but Grant throws him across the wrecage yard. He runs and I look at Clark.

"Go kick his ass." he says and I run from the tarp. I see Grant grabbing a pole. I do the same using anything we can now that out weapons are destroyed completely. I see Adam rising from the ground now healed front he blast. Grant swings. Adam tries to catch it but it smashes the bones in his hand.

Grant continues to hit until he is cripled on the ground. I shock my pole and throw it at him it strickes through his mouth and he falls got he ground. His body shaking from the charge. Grant grabs a couple more poles and stab it into his body to keep him down. He puts three into his chest and his two arms. He walks towards me and is shock one more time and the pole retain the electricity. We walk towards Clark and then hear a rustle other that our foot steps. We turn and I can see Adam moving.

"It's fine he won't be up for a while." he says pulling me away but I resist.

"No, something is wrong." I say and then it happens. He rips his body off of the poles and rises to his feet. He tanks the pole out of his mouth and laughs.

"Pathetic bitch." he says and throws the pole at us. I embrace death. Then, darkness and the overwhelming smell of coffee.

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