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I sit on what is now my bed in this cold dark prison. I stare at the ground in between my feet, holding my stomach, wanting to throw up. Grant sees me about to and walks over and sits next to me. I sit with the edge of the bed to my right. My hair dangles in front of my face. I feel dizzy and I can't think straight. That man must have been a Meta. Is this what this place is? A Meta prison? If I'm right, then what is the person touching my shoulder capable of? I lean over to my right and dry heave, not having eaten anything for hours. He has his hand on my back. I spin and shake it off, still feeling sick. I walk and go to the door, the only place with a window.

"Let me out! I'm not a Meta!" I scream and pound on the door.

"There is no use. I can't even open it." Grant says behind me and I turn to him.

"And what can you do?" I asks and he lifts his right hand. I see it wrapped with a cloth and the blood soaking through it. The beds start to rise with his hand and he drops them with a thud. "You can move thinks with your mind?" I ask.

"Not exactly. I can shift gravity at will but it starts to feel like the same thing." he says.

"So you're a Meta?" I ask, wishing I had my knife.

"Ya. There are only Metas here." he says and I shake my head.

"I'm not one." I say and he laughs.

"They geneticly check us. If they found it in you, you just need to discover the powers for yourself." he says and I step towards him.

"I am not a Meta! Your kind is destroying our world." I say, repeating what my family always told me. He laughs.

"Your one of those people." he says laughing. "I get some people aren't ready for us yet, but that doesn't make everything outr fault." he says point at me.

"You have caused wars in populated areas! People have died! Children! And for what!? To kill one of your own kind!" I yell and he pushes me to the wall and gets close to my face.

"Would you rather have everyone dead or those few!?" he screams in my face. "We do what we can! I have seen so many people die that you don't get the right to judge us for trying to save innocent people!" he screams and I close my eyes as I am suspended on the wall. "We were at war. And you people think we are the monsters when you are the true monsters." he says and drops me from the wall. He stands over me and I look up at him. "Well if we want to be technical, in your eyes you truly are a monster." he says and I stand, leaning on the wall. The door opens and he four guards walk in. Two for him and two for me. The hit us with the butt of their guns and start to pull out of the room.

We get dragged through the hall as many others are having the same done to them. They take us to a door and open it. The light blinds me as they throw us through the door. I want see but my vison start to clear up. I see the dirt I was thrown on and my hand are now raw from my fall on it. I look up and see the round stadium-like place I have entered. I look up and see the sun. I feel it's warmth on my face. I hear the cheering and I see hundred of people looking down at us as we get thrown into the arena. I rise to my feet and I look at Grant. He looks at me.

"You better discover your power and fast." he says and a horn blows. He takes off and I look as the people converge in the center and start to fight. I stay were I am and I look forward at the people. They are starting to kill each other with their powers. I back up. I continue until I run into the door I was thrown through. I turn and pound on it, screaming. It doesn't work. I turn and I see someone with black eyes and fire around his arms running towards me. I put up my hand, palms out. I close my eyes and wait for my end. But it doesn't come. I feel something warm shoot through my arms towards my hands and the man never makes it to me.

I open my eyes to see him on the ground with, uncouncious with a burn on his chest. How did he get burned? He was using fire. I look at my hand and I see yellow and blue electricity coursing between my fingers. I scream and fall to the ground. I am a Meta. I'm a Meta.

I see someone running towards me with a wooden knife in his hand. I hold up my hands and nothing happens. I yell. I see him fly into the air and then smashed into the ground so hard I could see his neck snap. It was Grant running towards me and I fear he will kill me. He doesn't. He leans down in front of me.

"Get up." he says and I shoot him a look. My breathing is heavy and I am staring at my hands. "Just focus on nothing and it will go away." he tells me. I do as and the charges go away. He hold out his hand and stands up. "If you don't get up you will die. I can help make sure that doesn't happen." he says. I stare at my hand then back at him. I'm a Meta. My whole life revolved aginst them. I look at his hand and then at his face. He is smiling hoping I take it. I smile back a and grab his hand.

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