Harsh Realities

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I rise from the ground of my tent were Grant lays. He passed out when I did. Today has been so long I don't even know when it is. I walk out of my tent to see Clark sitting next to a fire. The sun is down and the air is cold. I walk over to the fire and I sit across from him. He has an animal on a metal pole, cooking in the fire. I don't make any attempt to start the convorsation, and neither will he. I can see his rage through the fire.

"How old was she?" he asks and I look at him confused. "Your mother." he says and I look at the ground.

"36." I tell him. He looks up at me.

"That's young for a mother. Im so sorry." he says and I stare at him.

"Did you lose yours?" I ask.

"I never met her. Apparently she knew I would be different than the rest. That's why my father left." he says and I look down.

"I'm sorry." I say, realizing his life was worse. I at least knew mine.

"They told me who she was and I couldn't find the heart to meet her without wanting to scream. Her name was Catalina lane." he tells me and my jaw slacks open. That's my mother's name.

"Who was your father?" I ask and he laughs.

"Some accountant." he says. He looks up at me. He sees my surprise. "What's wrong?"

"You won't need to worry about meeting her anymore." I tell him and he gives me a look.

"How so?"

"Because I saw her die. At the battle of San Francisco." I say and he drops the pole.

"What?" he says and I start to worry what he might do.

"She was my mother too." I say and he stands. He walks around in circles.

"Damn it!!" he yells kicking the ground. "Is there anything else you are keeping a secret!?" he yells, tears rushing from his face. Grant flies out of the tent. "So you took her side?" he says and walks past Grant into the forest.

"Clark!" he yells after him. He turns to me. "What the hell happened?" I stand and look at him. I told him what happened and even he was shocked. He walks over and sits me down.

"I didn't know I was doing anything wrong." I say and Grant looks at me.

"You didn't. This is a sore subject for him. He was going to go see her, and now that he know she died and he was so close to her. It's going to take a tole on anyone. " he says to me and I hang my head. He raises my head and kisses my forehead. I look up at him and he has a smile. Just a few minutes he could barely look at me know he is kissing my forehead. What the hell is going on? There are a couple gun shots from where Clark ran off. "He only uses it in emergencies." he says running towards the noise. I follow him.

We run throught the woods without our weapons. I only have my pistol I hid in the back of my pants. Grant forgot to take it. I pull it out and run with it. Grant doesn't have one. We continue to run. We find clark, being raised in the air by Adam He looks at us while his face has a large stick in it. He smiles a sick smile.

"Nice of you to join us." he says, holding Clark up with one hand and pulls out the stick out with the other. Blood falls down his face like a waterfall, but soon is back to a perfect face. I hold up my gun.

"Drop him!" I yell and he laughs.

"You know that won't help." he says and Clark gasps for air. Grant pulls the gun towards him and shoots him several times. He drops Clark. I shoot electricity at him. That's when we notice something. He starts to heal slower. I increase it and he drops healing all together.

"What are you!?" I yell at him and he smiles as his face start to light on fire.

"A visionary." he says and I spark him. He falls and his lifeless eyes stare up at the sky. I look at the gun shots. They start to heal. But differently. It looks like small scales folding over each other, creating the skin.

"We need to go before he comes back." I say and Grant pick up Clark, grunting from his own injuries. We run to the crash site. Clark is passed out but comes to as we reenter the camp. Grant sets him down in his tent and we sit next to him. He looks at us.

"I start to love my power more and more." he says with a smile. Grant laughs and then looks at him.

"Why haven't they sent Paul to find you get?" he asks and Clark looks at him.

"They did. He went missing." he says and Grant looks at him.

"How are Cameron and George?" he asks and I don't know who any of these people are.

"They are fine. She is resting. There were no complications with the birth." he says and Grant smiles.

"What did they name her?" he asks and Clark laughs.

"His name is Grant." He says and Grant looks at him. "They thought you were dead. They wanted to remember you somehow." he says and Grant has to wipe his eyes

"Had he shown signs of a power?" he asks and Clark shakes his head no. Grant gets up and Clark grabs his hand.

"Don't put the weight of this on your shoulders." he says and Grant smiles at him to make him feel better. He leaves the tent and then he looks at me. "Follow him." He says and I smile. I do as he says and I leave the tent. I find Grant at my tent and I walk in. I smile and walk towards him.

"Hey." I start talking, but he turns around with yellow and orange energy coming from his hands.

"Help me!" he yells and then he collapses to the ground.

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