Enemy of My Enemy

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My hands palm the ground as I push my self up. I hear someone yell out in pain. I look but all I see is darkness. A light flicks on and I see we are in a log cabin and the person next to me on the couch is Clark, yelling from his injuries. I go to him and he grabs my hand. I turn him so he isn't laying in his back and then I look up at the hooded figure. Grant stands next to me and I grab his arm. He looks at us and then back to the tall figure

"Who are you? Why did you save us?" Grant asks. He pulls back his hood expose his blond hair and light skinned face.

"Why can't I help out a friend?" he says and Grant walks up to him and embraces him.

"Your alive!? What the hell? Did someone drug me?" Clark yells from the couch and Grant shoots him a look. Clark shoots him one back. "But seriously, what the hell Paul?" Clark asks and Paul, I can assume, takes of his jaket.

"I tried to find you," he says looking at Grant, "but my plane got shot down, along with my satillite phone. I knew you guys were in the area, I just didn't think of looking up. I found this cabin was abandoned and had power. So I made it mine." he explains and Grant looks at the cabin. I walk up to him and hold out my hand.

"I'm Ricky. I was stuck in the arena with Grant." I tell him. He shakes my hand and then looks at us.

"Arena?" he asks.

"Adam port," he starts.

"The millionare?" Paul asks and I nod my head.

"Yes, he took Metas and put them in a battle to the death." he tells him and Paul walks into another room. He flicks on the ligh it's a dinning room. We pull out chairs and sit down.

"So why not just kill him?" He says and Grant shakes his head.

"Trust me, we've tried." I tell him and Grant looks at me. "I literally shot him between the eyes and rose from the ground to fight us more. I threw an electrically charged pole through his scope and stabbed him to the ground and he rose just before you saved us." I tell him and his jaw drops.

"Another Meta killing Metas?" he says and I shake my head.

"He isn't a Meta." I hear Clark say from behind me and he is now on his feet, holding his side. "He heals differently, and faster than I ever could. This isn't a power. This is man made." he says, sitting down but not leaning back in the chair.

"Then what is it?" he asks and we all look at each other. We don't know. Paul runs his face. Then looks at Grant. "Ok we will figure that out later. Now tell me how Clark got hit with solar energy." he says and Grant looks at him with no emotion at all. He opens his mouth but Clark starts before him.

"The Anti-Meta soldiers showed up with some amped up weaponry. They had a power full cannon shot and I jumped in front of them so they wouldn't get hit. I didn't know they were using solar warfare." he says and Grant looks at him. Paul's doesn't look at him. We all know he lied. Even Paul probably has his suspicions.

"Okay." he says and Grant looks back at him. "Be more careful when fighting the A.M. They are ruthless to while us all out. No matter the cost." he looks at me. "You have anything else to add to what I missed?" he asks. I look at Clark and he nods.

"That's my half brother." I say pointing to Clark.

"No shit." he says, chuckling a little.

"Same mother." he says and then looks down at the table.

"Unfortunately, she died in the battle of San Francisco at the hand of the demon woman." I tell him and he hangs his head. That was a dark day for all of us. The city now has a new sense of security and unity however. They are almost done rebuilding everything. I hope I get to see it again.

"Why don't you get us out of these woods and back to the Elite hanger so we can get back up?" Grant asks and Paul shakes his head.

"There is a perimeter lock on my powers. I thought it was the A.M. but know I know it's Adam." he says.

"The A.M. are out here as well."Grant says and Paula rubs his face again.

"No shit Grant. Please tell me something I don't know." he says spitefully.

"What's is your deal?" I ask him.

"The only reason I am here is because Grant went missing. And don't even get me started on you. I know you are the daughter of the executioner." he says and me eyes grow wide. "I've been tracking him for a while and I recognized you there. How does it feel to go against your family's beliefs?" he asks and I stand, shooting my chair back.

"You have no right to call me out!" I yell slamming the table. "I did not believe all Metas were evil. I saw you all fight in that battle. You avenged my mother's death! I don't see you as monster, I saw you as heroes!" I yell and he sits there without moving as I yell and slam. "I don't see you as monsters. I now know we are the monsters. Human. The Anti-Meta are evil. Those who consider an entire race a monster to be extiqushed, are themselves monsters." I say. I stare at him and he stares back. I sit down and Grant looks at me.

"I couldn't agree more." he says and then reaches into his pocket. He pulls out a black circular pad and slides it across the table to me. "I was designated a recruiter for the Elite. I never thought I would find some one. But you passed my test." he says and I open the pad. It is black leather and a silver badge with the symbol of the Metas, an M that is on fire. I look up to him and he smiles. "Welcome to the Elite."

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