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He pulls me up and I look at the ground of people fighting to the death. I start to sweat from the sun beating on my head. My hands are now coursing with electricity. I walk towards them with Grant. He doesn't do anything but I hold out my hands. The elctricity shoots from my hands and through everybody else. They fall to the ground as I close my hands, stopping the electricity from flying. Cheering rises from all around me, cheering from my act of murder. Grant places his hand on my shoulder. I look at him and he shakes his head.

"You will never get used to it." he tells me. I don't know if he means the cheering or killing.

"Congratulations!" I hear boom over a speaker. I look for who could be talking and I find him. Adam stands under a shaded area in the stands. "To you Legacy, you did well as usual. But let's give it up for our new fighter! Conduit!" he yells through the speaker and the stadium erupts with noise. I stand in the middle of the noise, spinning. I look at all the people who came to watch us kill. I now look down at the bodies that lay on the ground. I start to get dizzy. I almost fall but Grant catches me. I look up at him and he looks down at me. We breath each other's air.

The door opens and they have come to take us back to our cell. They pick me up and carry me to the room. We walk through the dark hall and make it to my cell. They open the door to the dimly lit room and set me on one of the beds. I can't see from the blinding light from the sun earlier, needing to let my eyes adjust. Grant gets pushed in and walks over to me. I stare at the ground replaying what I did over and over in my head. Conduit. My new name. I am a killer. I killed so many people. I hold out my hands and the electricity shoots around my arms and hands. Jumping from finger to finger. I'm a Meta. I was told to fear and hate them. But now I am what I hate. I hold out my hands and shoot it at the door. It hits and dissapates away, the door staying intact.

"Why don't you try to open it?" I ask Grant.

"I've tried. They can't be open with our powers. They have a sensor." he says and I stand up.

"Why the hell are we here!? For what reason!?" I yell and he backs away as I scream.

"Because these people are sick. They want to watch us get eradicated. One by one." he tries to explain but I don't want to listen to it. The electricity starts to spread and eventually covers my body in the electricity. He is now backed up to the door and I am breathing heavily. I look at my body and I see the elctricity starting to spread past my body. I start to panic. I can't stop it. "Just breath! Focus on the energy!" he yells and I start to breath slower. The electricity starts to slow down but not stopping. I close my eyes and breath slower and slower. I open my eyes and all the electricity is gone from my body. I fall on to the bed and stare at the ground. I look at my now normal hands. That's what I always thought I was. Normal. Now I know that was a lie. How will I ever go back to my family? Grant sits on his bed, looking at me.

"How old are you?" he asks and I look up from the ground.

"Nineteen." I answer and he half-heartily smiles.

"I was your age when I started." he says to me.

"Started what?" I asked him back.

"My war." he says looking me deep in the eyes. I give him a look of fear and he looks away. I wish he didn't. "When I started fighting as a Meta, the one I am at war with killed my mother. I haven't smiled a true smile since. Not till he is dead at my feet." I say and he looks back at me, more with anger this time. I look away this time.

"I'm sorry for your loss." I say, unable to look him in the eye. "I could never imagine.." I say but he stands up.

"No one can't." he says but I do imagine. My dad became like him after my mother died at the battle of San Francisco.

"I actually can." I say and he shoots me a look. "I watched my mother be killed at the battle of San Francisco. This woman lifted her in the air and used her a an example. She pulled the blood out of her body and dried her out like a grape to a raisin." I say and my eyes start to water. A Meta murdered my mother. Now I am one.

"I can't imagine watching that." he says walking over to my bed and sitting next to me. My hand hold my body up on the bed. He places his hand on top of mine. I am surprised, but I don't oppose the action.

"My dad swore he would kill every Meta until he found the woman who did that." I tell him and he hangs is head.

"We already did." he says and I look him in his light brown eyes. He looks at me surprised and I am scared that this will end.

"Then he won't stop." I say and he lifts his hand from mine. I am disappointed that that had to end. I would have liked it to last longer. I look around the room and I hear a bang on the door. I stand thinking we are about to fight again.

"Lights out!" They yell and the lights shut off. I make my way to my bed and lay down on it. I stare into the darkness and I eventually close my eyes, opening up my nightmares.

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