1~Bringing Back the Past

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Arizona's POV

"Get your hands off me!" I screamed trying to escape the policeman's strong grip

"It's okay honey you'll be safe with us!" He said trying to calm me down

"But my sister, we need each other, where are you taking her?!" I yelled as I seen policemen do the same thing they're doing to me

"They're going to put her somewhere safe, just like you" he said

"DEVYN,DEVYN, WHAT AM I GOING TO DO WITHOUT YOU?!?" I screamed hoping she could here me


"ILL MISS YOU!" I said

"ME TOO!" She screamed back

That was the last thing I heard from her before I got put in the cop car and being taken somewhere I probably didn't want to go

That day was when we were five years old, my sister Devyn was taken away from me, they said they would take her to the same place as me, which was true, they did, only it wasn't exactly the same place

I'm in an adoption center at the age of six and I've been here since I was five, a year ago and no one has adopted me, I have blonde hair and blue eyes (at the top, on the right)

I am an outgoing person, and I'm not afraid to speak my mind, so watch out because if you mess with me it gets pretty touchy, I like to play the drums even though I've only had two lessons because I just started and soon had to end because of me being a foster kid

No, I'm not an orphan, I prefer foster kid, I also have a dark side, so I've never been bullied, since a lot of kids have seen my dark side, it ended up with me punching a boy because he was teasing me and I didn't like it, and it's not because I like him and I also like to have fun, even though I'm only six I used to make my own parties with my sister, we would get music, food and drinks, stash them in our room and make our own little party, we had a blast even though we didn't know what we were doing!

"Hey, it's lunch!" Mrs. Stevens yelled harshly

"I'm not hungry" I said back

"Well then your not getting dinner, you rotten kid!" She yelled back

"Who said I wanted dinner?" I asked

"Don't get mouthy with me young lady or you'll go in the shame box!" She yelled

"Yeah and you also need a box" I said

"And why is that?" She asked

"So that I don't have to see your face" I said in a duh tone

She rolled her eyes and gave me a death glare as she walked out of my horrible unsanitary room

I decided to walk around instead of being in this dump, I walked out of my room into the hallway, down the stairs which leads to the living rooms and play areas and all that stuff

"Hey Arizona, I see you came out of your little hiding place" Jake said as he came by and walked over to me

"Yeah, only for a little bit, but what brings you here?" I asked

"Just going back to my room" he said

Jake has blonde hair and blue eyes just like me, his hair is in a quiff all of the time, I'm the only one who's seen his hair down, flat

"Oh, well then I'll see ya around?" I asked

"Unless if you want me to walk with you I can?" He asked

"Ok, great!" I said going back to his side and continuing my little walk around the adoption center

The boys and girls are split, so the girls are up the stairs and the boys are down here by the living rooms and play areas and other rooms too
Devyn's POV

"What do you think your doing?" Griffyn asked

"What does it look like dummy, I'm sneaking out of here!" I said

"Are you going to join me?" I asked smirking knowing he wouldn't

"I don't know it looks too dangerous" he said backing down

"Come on what's the worst that could happen?" I asked

"Well gee last time I agreed to this we were put in our rooms for five days and couldn't do anything with anyone!" He said over exaggerating

"Yeah, but wasn't it fun!" I said smiling really wide

"No, it was not fun because of you I almost lost my lunch period" he said crossing his arms over his chest and pouting

"Oh my god! I'm Griffyn and I almost lost my lunch!" I said sarcastically waving my arms around and mimicking his voice

"Well I'm leaving if you like it or not" I said going out my door and tiptoeing

While I'm sneaking out, I'll tell you about myself, I have brown hair and blue eyes (top, left) just like my sister, I haven't seen my sister in a year and I hope to see her again, I'm kinda a rebel I guess, me and my sister both have that type of personality, I used to play the guitar and piano, but later I was put in here with my new and only best friend Griffyn

Griffyn has blonde hair, blue eyes and his hair is in a quiff, he's six years old like me and I'm older

"Hi! We're here to adopt some kids!" I heard a female voice say

"Ew another adoption great" I whispered to Griffyn

"Aw come on cheer up maybe you'll get picked" Griffyn said

As I was trying to sneak out the lady who said that seen me

"Where are you going honey?" She asked while bending down to my height and giving me a big smile

I put on my innocent act and said "I was just walking around" I said putting on the cutest smile ever, can I throw up now

"I highly recommend you don't choose her!" Mrs. Putt said

"And why not, she's so cute and adorable!" The lady cooed

And here we go

I started growling at her

The lady gave me a disgusted look "Did you just growl at me?" She said gasping

I kept growling at her until she ran away screaming

"I never want to come back here ever again, this place is messed up!"  Was the last thing I heard her say

"Hope you had a fun time!" I said while waving and smiling as she was rushing to find her car

I turned around and seen Mrs. Putt, here comes the consequences, which made me roll my eyes

"You little brat get over here!" She said through gritted teeth

"First you have to find me!" I yelled while running down the hall with Griffyn

"Not this again, once I find you, you are in such big trouble!" She yelled while I ran to my room, she doesn't even try to find me, I learned that the hard way, I cringed at the thought

"So what now in your adventurous days?" Griffyn asked

"Well if you must know my good sir, I will be changing out of these filthy clothes and into my pajamas which are even worse than the clothes I have on right now" I said in a posh British accent, we then started laughing hysterically

As I was putting my pajamas around (he turned the other way) I got in my bed and said bye to Griffyn while dosing off to sleep

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