10~ Plan in Action

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Devyn's POV

So far we have the cameras set up and the girls on their way. I can't wait to see the look on their faces! Haha!

"Ok COGFITA is a go!" Luke yelled clapping his hands. "Huh?" We all asked in unison (by we me, Zona, and Mikey. Luke rolled his eyes and said,"Catching our girlfriends in the act, duh".

"Oh" we all said again in unison laughing after. Then we heard the doorbell ring and we gasped. Zona and I ran to her room and we pretended to have a conversation and playing.

"Lukey, Michael we'll be back!" Said Luke's girlfriend, whatever her name is. (Guys I seriously forgot their names.)

"Did you miss us?" Said Michael's girlfriend. "I'd be lying if I said yes", I said with attitude. "Bitch!" She yelled and slapped me. I tried holding back my tears but they came, i mean come on I'm six!! What do you expect?!?

"Don't hit her!" Zona said throwing whatever she could grab, which was a remote. It hit her head which soon turned into a red bump. Ouch.

"Aha, we knew it was you!" Luke said opening the door. "Oh Lukey! I'm so glad you came! She threw a doll at her head!" Luke's gf said (too lazy to right the whole thing).

"I want you out of my house now!" Mikey said furiously. "Yeah bitch, get out!" I yelled. They looked at me angry. "Sorry just got in the moment" I said innocently. "Wow I didn't think it would be that bad!" One of the gf said. "Not them, you guys!" Mike said pointing to them. "What?" They asked. "We know what you've been doing and we don't want to be with you anymore!" Luke said. "Oh and honestly I kinda forgot your name!" Luke said not feeling bad at all. "Well if we're being honest I also forgot your name too!" Michael said smiling.

"Fine, we never liked you anyways! We were only dating you for your money! Since you went on tour with 1D before!" Said Luke's gf.

"What?" They asked shocked. "Mmhmm!" They nodded their heads walking out the door. Zona and I high-fived each other and went to hug Michael and Luke. "That was awesome!" I said. "Yeah, good job girls! I think I'm gonna go lay down, I don't feel good", Luke said. "Okay" we said. "Yeah, same", Mikey said with his head down heading to their room. Okay? That's weird. But at least we don't have to worry about them.

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