32~ Blood, Blood, and More Blood

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Ashton's POV

"ASHTON GIVE IT BACK!", Luke yelled trying to grab the object in my hand, but he couldn't catch up to me because I was faster. "Haha Luke! Too fast for y-Oof", I tripped on my foot and fell flat on my face on the hard wood floor.

Word of advice never turn your head to talk while running, or else this will happen. I could hear his footsteps coming close behind me, grabbing his phone that was still in my hand with a tight grip.

"I'll be taking this", he said bending down to grab his phone, grinning triumphantly while doing so. "Hey let's make a keek!", I said jumping off the floor. "How can you be so happy when you just fell on your face?", Luke asked curiously.

I shrugged. "I don't know, but I do know that I want to make a keek!! I want to show everyone ketchup!", I shouted jumping up and down. Luke groaned tilting his head back.

"We're making a keek?!", Michael asked coming downstairs catching his breath. "Yes!", I shouted putting my fists in the air. Michael and I got everyone to make the keek with us if we made it in the pool.

"Hey guys!", I waved into the camera while in the water with a tube around me. "Everyone this is ketchup, ketchup this is everyone say hi", I smiled.

Michael and Calum were doing their own thing and talking to everyone one in the camera. "Luke what are you doing?", I asked watching him trying to get their attention. (A/N: While typing this I thought of Ashton's cute fetus accent when whining. Ok goodbye.)

Luna and Lana didn't want to be in it they were too lazy to do anything so they just sat on the chairs and watched us. "Um guys?", Devyn said worriedly. "We're....um...we're....bleeding", Devyn said whispering the last word while blushing. My eyes went wide and I started panicking. "Bleeding?! Bleeding! OMG they're bleeding! Someone call 911", I rushed my words shaking Luke's shoulders. "Wait no no time for that everyone get in the car!", I yelled rushing to put my clothes on over my trunks and grabbed the keys starting the car.

I sat in the car impatiently waiting for everyone to get in. "Gosh why are they so slow I mean we have two young girls that are bleeding! And why did Devyn start blushing when she said she was bleeding? You don't blush you panic!"

I decided to get out of the car and go back in the house. "Ok seriously guys we have two bleeding girls and your not doing anything let's go!", I said trying to rush everyone. Zona rolled her eyes and said,"Luna can we talk to you?"

She nodded and went with the girls but first she came up to me putting her hand on my shoulder. "Ashton chill the bleeding that their talking about isn't an emergency", she said before she went off with the girls. "Bleeding? Not being an emergency? What does this- Oohh", I said talking to myself.

Once I realized what Luna was talking about the guys started laughing at me since I realized how stupid I was. "Dude that was hilarious you were all like", Luke said in between laughter while mocking my expressions.

"Haha very funny", I said sarcastically rolling my eyes.
Luke's POV

After Ashton realized that the girls were becoming adults we just hung out in the pool more splashing each other and dunking each other. I got out of the pool since I was hungry and went into the kitchen. Right when I walked into the kitchen the phone started ringing. "Hello?", I asked the caller.

"Hello, am I speaking to a member of 5sos?


"I'm with the hi or hey records and we need you and your boy band to come in for a meeting as well as your girlfriends"

I growled when he said boy band I hate when people say boy band.

"Hey we're not a boy band, were a punk rock band"

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