44~ Epilogue

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^That's Arizona now!

(A/N: Also I'm sitting on the toilet writing this so you better enjoy this! Lol jk...but I wasn't kidding about sitting on the toilet...)

Arizona's POV

It's been 6 years now and Devyn and I are now 16 years old! The guys still live with each other and right now they're off tour. What about Michael and Luna you may ask? Well they're married! And they're having a baby girl on the way soon! I'm so happy for them. As for Devyn and I, we go to school, and no not online school, actual school! I know it sucks!

"Devyn are you ready?", I asked as I made my way downstairs to see her already down there.

"Yea, lets go", she replied opening the door and heading to the car.

Once we got to school it was still pretty early and I mean when the teachers aren't here early. So we sat in the commons.

"Hey did you do the math homework?", I asked sitting down at a table.

"Only if I can have the history homework", she said smirking. I nodded my head and we exchanged the papers.

"Hello ladies", Jason said walking up to our table, smirking.

"Hi Jason", we both said in a not so happy voice, not really paying attention to him

"What? Do I have to take my shirt off in order to get attention", he said. I slammed my pencil on the table and looked up at him with an annoyed expression.

"What do you want?!", I exclaimed looking up at him and giving his precious attention.

Jason his a cocky guy and it's really annoying. I mean it's okay to be confident, cocky? No honey.

The best part is he won't ever leave us alone! (Sarcasm intended). One day he came up to me and just started trying to flirt with me and being cocky and I was 1 second away from punching him in the face and telling him to 'fuck off', but some girl did it for me and now we're best friends!

"What's wrong with you?", he asked looking at me like I was crazy.

"Well judging by her body language and her attitude towards you I would say the problem is...and I'm gonna go off on a limb here and say it's you?", she said but made it into a question on purpose.

"Baby, there's nothing wrong with me", he said smiling, but not in a nice genuine way. I rolled my eyes and went back to copying the homework.

"You're whole personality and body and face is cringe-worthy, I just can't stop cringing", Devyn said cringing dramatically.

I started laughing really hard, Devyn joining me.

"Ok, I don't understand what you mean by that, but I hope you girls come to the football game and be my personal cheerleaders", he said going back to his original smirk.

I sucked in a breath from my mouth and said,"Ooh, yea I don't have time for football, well I don't have time for it if you're playing"

"Zona just stop playing hard to get and tell me you want me", he said gesturing to his body.

I gave him a disgusted face, clearly showing that I didn't want anything to do with him or his body.

"Hey Devyn, you're sister likes me right?", he asked her trying to whisper, but he was making it obvious by glancing at me a couple times and then back to her. She bursted out laughing to the point where she wasn't making any noises and kept rocking back and forth in her seat.

"Fuck no!", she said being completely serious then started laughing again.

"Dude if my sister wanted you, trust me you would know, and since she doesn't want you, don't ask me because I'll say the same answer I just did, also, you need to back the fuck off because your breath stinks so bad!", she said telling him straight up.

Now it was my turn to laugh so hard.

"Seriously dude, you need like some 50 pieces of gum, febreeze, and do you own any cologne?", she asked him.


"Start using it, because you're gonna need a lot to cover up that nasty breath do yours, oh my god I thought I was suffocating! I need a damn oxygen mask if you whisper again!", I was literally dying when she said this! My sides her so bad!

He did that thing where you cover your mouth and smell your own breath.

"Hey guys!", a girls voice called out from behind Jason.

"Hey Danni", I said looking at Jason and using emphasis on Danni. I seen Jason tense up and was really satisfied.

"H-hey D-Danni", he stuttered turning around, giving a weird looking smile. He was so scared to her.

"What, cat got you tongue Jason? Do you want me to punch it?", she asked smirking. Yes, she was the girl who punched him for me.

"Uh um I gotta go bye!", he said rushing to get away.

"Also you're stupid because there is no cat", he said chuckling. I rolled my eyes and shook my head.

"I thought you guys made it clear that you're not friends with him, I mean first you told him, then you said it slowly to him, and then you yelled it to him in the cafeteria", she replied sitting down in a chair.

"His small ass brain doesn't understand, the only thing he understands is the word football", Devyn said.

We all shook our heads and started to head for class.

*At home*

"Ugh I have so much homework", I groaned and started fake crying.

"Yea me too", Devyn agreed sitting on my bed.

"I'm getting food", I said walking downstairs.

"Hey Zona", a voice said from behind me. I quickly turned around glancing at the person then back to my search for food.

"Oh hey Luna, what's up?", I asked her.

"Nothing, I just wanted to ask, have you seen Michael?", she asked. I shook my head no.

"Sorry", I replied. She groaned and continued looking for him.

"I swear he's acting like Ashton more and more", she said laughing a little, while looking in the living room.

"WHAT THE HELL!", she screamed. Because I'm curious I decided to know why she screamed, as I was making my way to the bathroom. Luna was pulling Michael's ear out from the bathroom.

"What happened?", I asked walking up to them. "He colored his hair again", she simply said. She noticed my confused face and nodded her head towards the bathroom.

"Go look for yourself"

I went into the bathroom and gasped. It looked like a unicorn died and bursted out into different colors. There was hair dye everywhere! And I mean everywhere.

"ASHTON GET YOUR ASS OVER HERE NOW!", I heard Luna yell from upstairs.

"Hey what's going on I heard Luna scream and she was pulling Michael by the ear, plus I came to check on you since you were taking to long with the food, plus I was really craving chips, but was mostly thinking about the chips", she rambled on.

"Zona?", she asked as I was still turned away from her looking at the mess in the bathroom.

She came up to me then looked around noticing that I kept looking at the bathroom walls.

"Oh my god, it looks like a unicorn died and bursted out into different colors", she said shocked. That snapped me back into reality.

"Hey that's what I said!", I told her smiling.

"Really?", she asked surprised.

"Go twins!", we both said giving a high five to each other.

"But I'm guessing Ashton and Michael were having a hair dye fight because she also called Ashton's name", I said as a suggestion.

She agreed with me and we went back into the kitchen grabbing our food and not forgetting about Devyn's precious chips.
Hey guys! Wassup! Sorry for not updating on Monday! I was at the airport and well I'm pretty sure you know the rest! But I hope you enjoyed this update and I will be finishing my book today!

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