23~Luna and Michael

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Luna's POV

"Hey Luna I was wondering if you wanted to go  get coffee with me?", he asked. "You mean like a date?", I asked. "More like a friend date", he said. I was happy that I was hanging out with Michael, but I really wanted it to be a date.

"Yea sure what time?", I asked looking at the clock, it was 9 am right now. (I know you wouldn't be up by now but whatever and you know who you are koala lover😂).

"10? And I can pick you up", he said. "Alright I'll be ready"

"Ok, see ya in a bit"


I decided to take a shower before I got dressed. Once I was done I put on a Halsey badlands shirt because Halsey is my queen and my life just like pizza, the Beatles, and the 1975, also koalas too.

When I was done getting dressed I decided to leave my hair down and put on my all black converse shoes. I heard a honk outside. Wonder who that could be. (Sarcasm intended)

"Hey Luna"

"Hey Mikey", I said getting into the car. "So what coffee place are we going to?", I ask putting in my seatbelt. "Why don't we be basic and go to Starbucks?", he questioned. I nodded my head and turned up the radio, singing to it.

When we made it to Starbucks he opened up the door for me which I said thank you and waited in line. "Hi what can I get for you?", the barista asked. "Can I have a caramel mocha?", I asked. She nodded and put in the order. "And for you?", she asked him. "I'll have the same", he said smiling at me. "Ok your total is $10.50"

I was going to give her money when Michael already payed for it. "I have money too you know", I said. "Yeah I know, but I asked you to come here with me which means it's my treat", he said smirking. I would keep arguing, but not after that smirk. They called our order and Michael went to go get it while I found us a table.

"So, why did you want to get coffee with me?", I asked him. "What I can't hangout with you?", he asked innocently. I gave him the 'really' look. He sighed and said,"ok I wanted to know if you wanted to go to this carnival with me?", he asked. "As friends", he added quickly. That stupid word, I really hate that word.

But since I'm hanging out with Mikey alone again why not. "Yea of course! I'd love to go", I replied. "Great", he said drinking his coffee.

....at the carnival....

We're now at the fair paying for our wristbands. "Two wristbands please", he said to the person in the box. "Your total is twenty dollars", the woman said. "Here", I said handing him a $10. "Keep it", I rolled my eyes knowing that I'm not going to be paying for myself when he's around. "So what do you want to do first?", he asked. "Let's go on rides first and then play the games so that we won't have to carry around big ass animals", I said.

......after going on some rides....

"Are you hungry?", he asked me while we were in front of a food booth thing I don't know. "Ooh cotton candy", I said running over to it bringing out my inner child. Michael decided to walk over here laughing at me. "1 cotton candy please", he said. Soon a big fluffy ball of cotton candy was in my hands. He wanted some of it, but I was going to refuse, but I didn't only because he payed for me three times so why not.

And I know I can't believe myself but I have a special relationship with my food and if anyone steals it I will kill them. "Want to go on the Ferris wheel?", he asked. "Since its a slow ride and we just ate some food, so wouldn't want to get sick", he said. Aww he's so adorable, he cares. "Yea you're right I would get sick", I laughed he then laughed with me. We went on the Ferris wheel and enjoyed the nice view when we were at the top.

The ride stopped at the top but only because they were letting people off. "Look Luna there's something I need to tell you", he said looking nervous. Oh god did I do something? I started to freak out. "Before you say anything you didn't do anything besides being a good friend"

I guess he noticed because of my wide eyes. That's good that I didn't do anything but really the "f" word again?

"And that's also what I wanted to talk to you about the word friend"

"Luna I'm just going to say and I don't care what you say, but I can't help my feelings for you, I like you, I really really like you, you have been there for me when I needed you ever since we met each other at the park. I love how you're really great with the kids, they really love you. And I love how you are great friends with my band mates and, I also love how you can beat them in any video game", I laughed at that. "I just love how when I'm around you my heart starts beating really fast, and when we make eye contact I get chills in a good way, and I love seeing you happy and laughing cause it makes me happy and it makes me laugh, or if you're sad I love being the only one who can make you happy again or when my daughter makes you happy again" "so what I'm trying to say is will you be my girlfriend?", he asked spilling his confession to me. "I would absolutely love to be your girlfriend", I said giving him a hug.

"That's great because now I can do this", he said I was going to ask what, but he crashed his lips onto mine

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