Newsies Go To Pride

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Note: All of these were suggested over Instagram. Only a few of these are my original ideas.

Davey thinks that morning before they leave for Pride is the perfect opportunity to come out as pansexual, which surprises everyone, but then gets ten times more surprising when Davey also announces that him and Crutchie are officially "a thing now" and secretly have been for a few months. Seeing everyone's surprised expressions, Crutchie just laughs and goes, "Well surprise- I'm gay! And he's pan, and we haven't exactly been hiding the hand-holding. How have you guys NOT noticed?"
Les and Romeo get giant glittery rainbows painted across their faces and they look fabulous
Finch and Elmer keep getting asked if they're dating because they stand so close together and eventually Elmer starts messing around and tells everyone from then on that they've been dating for three years
Buttons, Henry and Albert all travel in a small pack because they're actually very intimidated by all the rainbow insanity everywhere, and pretty much remain that way until they see the Westboro Baptist Church with their stupid "God hates fags" signs and they get really upset, so Henry turns to Albert and says, "Would you kiss your best friend to piss them off? No homo." And the two of them march up and start making out in front of the WBC while Buttons yells, "BETTER GAY THAN GRUMPY!"
Mush and Specs find a tent where they can meet people and hear their coming out stories and about their genders and sexual orientations, which interests Specs, and Mush is about to leave until he hears, "...didn't feel sexually attracted to anyone. I thought I was insane." And stays long enough to decide that he's asexual.
Crutchie, Davey, Race and Spot get on a float when the parade starts- Davey is dressed in drag; pansexual pride stilettos and crop top with a mini skirt and enough makeup for the entire cast of a show, Race is wearing nothing but his underwear and an enormous rainbow flag painted on his chest, Spot's in green capris and a collared shirt with a rainbow bowtie, lipstick, eyeshadow and hair dye, and Crutchie has rainbow striped pants, shirt, and top hat along with a huge pride flag attached to his crutch
When the float goes by and all their friends see them on top, they all start cheering and laughing because they look so stupid but at the same time fabulous

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