Newsies Have A Sleepover

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Everyone is on the rooftop bc Jack refuses to sleep anywhere else.
Mush and Les are out almost immediately. Elmer draws a mustache on Mush with a sharpie and is about to draw one on Les, but Davey won't let him.
Elmer tells a ghost story that scares the shit out of Romeo, who ends up sleeping in between Spot and Race (much to their dismay) but it's either that or him sniffling all night.
Finch and Elmer then start a game of truth or dare which results in Specs making out with Katherine (Jack looks murderous)
Davey gets dared to stand on the edge of the roof and yell "My spirit animal is a unicorn" which he does with great pleasure
Jack and Crutchie sing the entire song 99 Bottles and by the 36th bottle Race is ready to murder them
Jack and Davey then disappear and return with fireworks, which they all set off, and by the time they're done the only ones still awake are Davey, Crutchie, Elmer and Jack
So they build a fort in the corner using a blanket and Crutchie's crutch and they spend the night playing Never Have I Ever before falling asleep around 3 am.

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