Newsies Go To A Concert

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Everyone goes to a Fall Out Boy concert because they all like FOB and Davey couldn't convince everyone to go to Taylor Swift
Elmer, Albert and Race all LOVE Fall Out Boy more than ANYTHING EVER EVER EVER and once the band comes onstage Elmer starts to hyperventilate, Albert actually starts crying and Race yells "PETE WENTZ PLEASE HAVE MY CHILDREN"
Specs, Mush and Henry originally didn't want to go, but they came because they didn't want to be left behind, and once they get there they have an AWESOME time (except for when Henry starts dancing so hard that he backs into some really tall guy who looks like he's about to punch anyone who touches him)
Jack and Davey both sing along at the top of their lungs to every song and you could say that they sang until their lungs gave out
Les is too short to see anything so Romeo puts him on his shoulders and Les high fives Joe when he runs down the side of the stage
Finch gets trapped inside a mosh pit
Crutchie and Spot really want to meet the band members and about halfway through the concert when Patrick comes up to the edge of the stage after Uma Thurman, Crutchie yells "YOU'RE MY SPIRIT ANIMAL" (Patrick gives him a huge thumbs up) and Spot (who had a major emo phase) screams "THE EMO IS STRONG" to which Patrick responds "THE EMOJI IS STRONGER- PETE"
Buttons and Katherine spend the whole concert getting food

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