Newsies Trying To Annoy Jack and Katherine On A Date

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Jack and Katherine are having dinner in a diner somewhere and the newsies all show up and get a group booth down on the other end
Davey takes Les into the bathroom and they return ten minutes later with Les dressed as a mummy; he goes over to Jack and declares that he's King Tut's mummy and Jack has to say an ancient spell or Katherine will be cursed for all eternity, but Jack just pulls the toilet paper down from Les' eyes and says, "Split." (And Les sure splits)
The whole situation turns into Truth or Dare
Romeo goes over to the table and pretends to flirt with Katherine, Jack reacts by pulling Romeo's cap off and throwing it down the aisle of the restaurant
Davey dares Finch and Specs to sit hidden on either side of the booth and make a "ping!" noise every time the person on their side talks. Jack literally pulls Finch up by his ear and pokes him hard, which sends him off giggling, but Specs evades all capture and eventually jumps over the bar to get back to the group
Race and Spot cause disruption by stopping next to the table and noisily making out
Elmer and Mush blow straw wrappers at the back of Katherine's head until she threatens to tell her father
As for Crutchie, he just sets a 5 week old puppy loose under their table and it ends up chewing Jack's hat up into a ball of cloth and licks Katherine's hand until her fingers prune up

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