Newsies Try And Fail At Cooking Something

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Specs is trying to follow the instructions on the hot dog package but no one will listen so that's how Buttons ends up burning his nose on the grill while he's trying to smell it
Davey, Henry and Katherine realize that they didn't buy any buns for the hot dogs and go out to buy them, but they return to absolute chaos
Les is helping Race and Spot grill the hot dogs and Race grabs a hot dog and sticks it in his mouth alongside his cigar (Les grabs one too) and the two of them start a race shoving hot dogs into their mouths at high speed until Spot finally yells at them to stop or they won't have lunch
Finch and Albert get out the mustard and ketchup and after Albert accidentally squirts ketchup into the air they realize what great weapons the bottles are and they gang up on Mush and spray him with condiments
Jack and Elmer dice some onions and Jack keeps crying from the onions and can't continue cutting them so Elmer does it until he accidentally cuts off the tip of his left thumb and starts screeching at the top of his lungs
Romeo is lobbying for a chili dog instead but he can't convince anyone that they should make some chili as well
Crutchie is setting the table but people keep bumping into it and messing it up which annoys him but he patiently re-sets it every time until he finally just yells "I AM DONE" and goes over to get Les because Race and Spot won't stop playing inappropriately with hot dogs

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