Newsies Go To Skyzone

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So this was 110% Race's idea. He kinda made everyone come with him. They go in the evening a few hours before closing and stay until they close, so it's basically them and a few random kids.
At first Jack totally thinks he's too cool for trampolines but once Race throws a dodgeball at his head and he begins to plot revenge, he stays on the trampolines forever
Les just clamps onto Jack and they bounce around together on the trampoline
Katherine sits in a circle of guys (Spot, Finch, Elmer, Mush) and they play crack the egg
Davey and Specs discover the maze and spend the whole time doing it again and again until they memorize the pattern
Crutchie and Romeo get in a battle to the death on the Pac-Man machine
Then they all ride the mechanical bull and Mush stays on longer than anyone (almost 2 minutes)
But when they all leave they realize they left Race inside and they have to come in through the back door to get him out

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