Newsies Get Drunk

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Okay so the newsies all get drunk after Jack decides they should celebrate ending the strike and they all get TOTALLY drunk except for Davey and Les because Davey decides that Les can't drink (duh) and Davey is, well, Davey.
Jack turns into one of those totally rambunctious drunks and he runs in circles around everyone else singing Ring Around The Rosy, and then yells at them when they won't fall down
Race and Spot disappear about an hour into the party and are found passed out in an alleyway down the street with no shirts on and Race's cigar in Spot's mouth.
Crutchie is laying on a table laughing so hard that he can't even sit up and Specs is under the table wearing socks on his ears and humming the Star Spangled Banner
Romeo angrily decides he's going to rob a bank and Davey is trying to stop him with the help of a slightly disoriented Katherine
Les has discovered that if he even so much as pokes Mush that Mush dissolves into a fit of giggles that takes about a minute to subside
Finch and Elmer are on the roof
No one knows why they're on the roof

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