Newsies In A Bookstore

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Race makes Spot come with him to the comic book section and they bury themselves in graphic novels for an hour until Spot snuggles into Race and they just cuddle in a pile of books
Jack goes to the section with all the maps and finds every picture of Santa Fe in the store and takes pictures of them so he can paint them all
Henry and Albert get lost in the romance novels and both become addicted to the vampire ones (Henry can't put down Breaking Dawn)
Katherine heads to the fiction section with Davey and Les- Katherine picks up Harry Potter (her favorite) and Davey makes sure Les is all set with Percy Jackson before unashamedly digging into the James Patterson books
Romeo and Finch go to the horror section and end up hugging each other, horrified, but unwilling to put the book down
Elmer reads a bunch of Tennessee Williams plays
Crutchie and Mush join a group of kids who are coloring in an art class and help the kids in the class while simultaneously coloring pictures of their own
Specs just reads classics like The Great Gatsby and Tom Sawyer
Buttons looks at pop culture magazines

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