Newsies Trapped In An Elevator

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Davey immediately panics and starts to hyperventilate and press the down button over and over again- Specs manages to calm him down enough to function but he won't speak and he just shakes in the corner until they finally get down
Race tells everyone he knows how to get them out and proceeds to attempt to pry the doors open with Spot's help, but when they realize they're trapped between floors and let go of the doors, they slam on Spot's finger and he begins yelling and jumping all over everyone until Race kisses his booboo
Jack and Romeo start trying to reason a way out of the elevator, but when they come to nothing Jack just sits down and pouts
Katherine tries to think of ways to entertain everyone and her and Mush start a game of charades, but it's hard to play a game when there's 12 people trapped in a 6x6 foot box
Elmer eventually resorts to praying to everyone he's ever heard of in higher power (the president, the queen, God, his first grade teacher, the Greek and Roman gods, Jesus, saints)
Finch falls asleep standing against the wall and Crutchie and Les find it hilarious, so Les gives Crutchie a sharpie and they draw all over his face

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